You See Each Other After the Break Up - Johnson

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It's been three months since Jack and I broke up.

His touring and fame took a toll on me, and he couldn't understand where I was coming from when I would try to talk to him about it.

I guess it's because he's been dealing with it for so long.

We got into a big screaming match one day and next thing I know I'm slamming his apartment door behind me as I storm out.

I can't go a day without thinking about him.

It might be as simple as a fan tweeting me asking when we're getting back together.

Or it might be as complex as going to the grocery store and seeing maple syrup and thinking that Jack preferred honey.

And that's where I am now.

I'm strolling down the aisles in the grocery store, making sure to get enough food and ingredients for ice cream sundaes since my friend's kids are staying the night.

"Y/N?" A voice asks from behind me as I'm picking out the fudge.

I turn around, resting my hands on the cart handle.

"Oh, hi Jack," I smile awkwardly.

It's so uncomfortable since our relationship ended on bad terms.

I will admit though, I miss him.

I miss his little quirks and his jokes and his messy hair and him just being there.

When he was just there and we could enjoy each other's company were the best moments of my life.

I look back on it now and if I knew we were going to break up, I would've valued those moments more.

I'd take the day off from work and spend it in my boyfriend's arms.

Because now I don't get to smell his Old Spice cologne or feel his bony arms wrapped around my waist.

"How've you been?"

"Good. You?"


We stand awkwardly, staring at each other.

He hasn't changed.

His wire glasses are lining his eyes and he has a pimple on his left cheek, but I love it when he has acne.

It makes him seem more natural.

"Well I should go," I excuse myself, pushing my cart down the tiled path.

"It was nice seeing you."

"You too," I reply.

I pull my cart to a sudden stop. "Oh, and Jack?"


"They moved the caramel to aisle seven."

I hear him chuckle behind me and I glance backward, a confused look covering my face.

"You would know that... when we were dating, you were always up-to-date on everything."

"Still am."

I turn around so we can stare at each other face to face.

"Can I take you out for cake sometime? I know you don't like coffee, and I'd like to see what else stayed the same..." The twenty year old suggests.

I smile. "I would love that."

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