He Gets Jealous - Johnson

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It's a casual Sunday and I'm sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart with my boyfriend, Jack.

I love days like this, when I can chill in my glasses, old T-shirts, messy bun, and sweatpants and just hang out with my boyfriend.

My phone starts buzzing and I glance down from the TV to look at it.

Luke Thompson, it reads.

I grin, pausing the game.

"Babe what are you doing?" Jack asks, slightly annoyed.

"I gotta take this," I stand up from the couch, grabbing the phone and moving into the kitchen. "Hey Luke!"

"Y/N, what's up?" He asks.

Luke's a high school friend who moved to Africa to help build houses for the families there.

They don't have good reception there so when we get the chance to talk, I take it.

"I'm just chilling. What's up with you?" I lean my front against the counter.

"It's 117 degrees out here today, I'm roasting," he tells me.

"Are you drinking lots of water?" I ask, concerned.

"I'm trying but its Africa. They don't have that much water available."

I feel arms wrap around my torso and I look over my shoulder to meet Jack's blue eyes.

I smile at him and then return my gaze to the counter.

"Stay healthy, okay? I care about you, Luke."

Jack's arms tighten and I look up to see him looking forward, face tense.

"Will do, Ms. Y/L/N. I have to go now, love you."

"Love you too, stay safe," I say before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Jack asks, jealousy underlying his tone.

"Just a friend," I set my phone on the counter, turning around to wrap my arms around his neck.

"What friend?" He questions.

"His name is Luke. You haven't met him, he lives in Africa," I answer.

"If he lives in Africa then why is he calling you?"

"Because he's my friend?" I say in a questioning tone. "Babe, what's with all of the questions? Are you jealous?"

He doesn't answer but huffs.

"Oh my gosh you are!" I pull away from him, grinning widely. "You're jealous you're jealous! Jack Johnson is jeal-"I get cut off by lips crashing into mine, our teeth clashing together.

Tough hands grip my hips and Jack pulls away to rest his forehead against mine.

"I just don't want anybody touching what's mine," he growls. "You're mine. You're my girlfriend, not his."

"He lives in Africa, Jack," I breathe out.

"It doesn't matter where he lives. All that matters is that he minds his own fucking business." His tone is so harsh it kind of scares me.

All of the sudden a sugar sweet smile covers his face and he kisses my forehead, pulling away from me. "Understand, gorgeous?"


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