Chapter 2

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THE NEXT morning seemed daunting to Bella. Dove was excited to see what school was going to be like, but Bella seemed to be trying to put a damper on her mood.

"Why are you so nervous?" Dove asked as Bella continued to drive.

"We're in March, Dove, it's the middle of semester, which means its obvious that we're new' therefore more attention is going to be focused on us." Bella explained.

Dove pursed her like, "Well, yeah there's that, but you're going to be okay, Bell, I promise." Bella nodded wordlessly and turned into the school parking lot. The pair exited the truck as some kid sarcastically commented about their ride.

"Nice truck."

"Thanks." Bells mumbled, ignoring the sniggers, Dove rolled her eyes and flipped him off, before following Bella inside the main building. The pair eventually found their way to the secretaries office to get their schedules and compared them.

"What kind of monster puts gym as first lesson?" Dove complained to Bella as they looked over their sheets. Before Bella could reply, an Asian-looking guy stopped in front of them.

"You must be Isabella Swan and Dove Williams, the new girls." He observed, "I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place." He introduced himself.

"What gave it away?" Dove joked, Eric grinned at the pair.

"Anything you need; tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on..." Eric trailed off, Dove laughed a little.

"I'm really kind of more of the suffer in silence type." Bella said

"Good headline for your feature." Eric grinned at the pair, "I'm on the paper, and you two are news, baby, front page."

"No, I'm not." Bella said, as Dove raised an eyebrow, they really mustn't have much going on if two new students are big news, big enough to be on the front page anyway.

"You... Please don't have any sort of.." Bella stumbled

"Wow, wow, chillax. No feature." Eric smiled at Bella, hoping to calm her down. She sighed in relief.


When it came to their first class, things seemed to go smoothly, Dove was sat next to Eric as Bella had been placed next to another student by the name of Edward Cullen, when Dove watched Bella move to sit next to him, she watched with squinted eyes as she was him visibly cringe and stiffen as she sat next to him. Dove furrowed her eyebrows but was quickly decided to pay attention to teacher. Once the lesson was over, she watched as a disgruntled Bella sat and watched as Edward ran from his seat and out the room.

Dove quickly gathered her stuff and rushed over to her.

"What happened?" She asked Bella, who just shook her head.

"I don't know, let's just get some food, okay?" Bella said and walked over to where Eric was waiting, Dove pouted a little, before following Bella and Eric to the cafeteria.

Eric led them to an empty table, Dove taking a seat next to Bella, Eric leaving a space between himself and the girls.

"Burrito, my friend?" A blond haired boy asked Eric.

"Hey, Mikey!" Eric cheered, "You met my home girls, Bella and Dove?"

"Your home girls?" Mike questioned with a laugh.

"Yeah." Eric nodded, grinning.


"My girls." The guy from earlier who commented on Bella's truck, and who Dove flipped off, rushed over and pressed a kiss to each girls cheek, pulling Mike's chair from under him as he sat beside Dove, he laughed before yelling out, "Sorry, I had to mess up your game, Mike!" Mike ran around the cafeteria after him.

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now