Chapter 14

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DOVE WOKE that morning with a grin on her face, rushing out her bed and to the next room where Bella was currently still sleeping;  it was a school morning so there'd be no problem waking her p early today. She jumped onto Bella's body, causing her to groan but laugh also, remembering all the other times Dove did this to her on her birthday.

"Happy Birthday!" Dove cheered.

"Shh," Bella hushed, "People will hear you." Dove groaned but got off her bed, walking to the door, ready to go back to her room to get ready.

"Just get dressed, we're running late already." Dove said before rushing back to her room. 30 minutes later, they were in the truck, pulling into the school parking lot, "What's got you all weird about today anyway?" Dove questioned when the truck stopped. Bella sighed.

"I'm a year older than Edward now. that's why I'm upset. Because, one day, I'm going to look like a grandma and he's not going to want me anymore." She explained.

Dove laughed, "Have you forgotten that he's like, over 100 years old?" She continued to laugh, "He should be ecstatic he's got you." Bella snorted. The girls exited the truck.

"I just don't like that I'm already physically older than him." Bella said and Dove shrugged.

"Perhaps, they'll be a day when I'm physically older than Jasper, I don't think it's something to really worry about just yet, Bella." Dove said before Jessica, Mike and Angela came over.

"Today's the big day, Bella." Jessica said, making Bella freeze a little, how did she know it was Bella's birthday? "R and J essay due." Jessica stated, making her relax a little, Dove grinned.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella?! Mike spoke, teasing her and holding his arms out to her. Bella smiled.

"Let me take a picture of you guys." Bella spoke up, pulling a camera from her jacket pocket, Dove tilted her head, "My Mom wants me to put together a scrapbook full of memories from senior year." She explained, Angela shook her head.

"I take them, I'm not in them." She said, moving to leave the frame of focus, but Eric pulled her arm and brought her to his side. Dove snorted and moved beside her, keeping her in place with Eric.

"You'll photoshop this if my nose looks big, right?" Jessica asked, looking slightly worried as she touched her nose before posing, smiling widely.

"Don't worry, I'm in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys." Eric stated, smiling sarcastically.

"Eric, please, it'll be me everyone looks at." Dove said, lifting her chin up, everyone laughed as Bella took the picture, the flash making them blink slightly to get rid of the effect is had on their eyes. The moment was soon ruined by Mike's sullen voice.

"Oh, great, Cullen's here."

Dove and Bella turned to find Edward and Jasper making their way towards them from the iconic Volvo. Edward smirked slightly at Bella as he caught up to her, nodding at Dove as she walked past him to meet with Jasper. Once they were stood in-front of each other, he leaned down and pressed a long kiss to her lips. She grinned as she returned it, soon pulling back when Jasper stared over at Bella with wondering eyes before looking back at Dove.

"What's wrong with Bella?" He asked, his voice low. Dove rolled her eyes playfully.

"She's having this dilemma about her birthday, because she's physically a year older than him she's having this thing where eventually she'll be a grandma and he won't want her." She explained, "But, for me it's the opposite, I should be sickened at the thought of dating a 172 year old man.." She whispered, smirking at Jasper, who laughed before pulling Dove to him, pressing a kiss to her forehead before looking over her, she followed his line of sight and found Jacob with Bella, who both were staring over at Jasper and Dove.

Jasper pressed a kiss to her temple before pushing her towards them, "He wants to talk to you." Dove nodded but quickly turned and kissed him quickly before jogging over to him.

"Jacob, I didn't think I'd be the one to tell you that steroids are the cheaters way to muscles." She teased before hugging him. Jacob laughed, patting her back.

"It wouldn't be so bad if we saw each other more often." He suggested. Dove tilted her head in thought.

"You should switch schools."

"Yeah, come hang out with the pale faces." Bella added.

Jacob shook his head with a weak smile, "I'm alright. I prefer the Rez school's exclusivity. They let any old riff-raft into this place." Dove noted what he said, pursing her lips, "Anyway, I wanted to come see Bella, but you're a plus, Dove." He said, pulling something from behind his back, and handed it to Bella. She lifted it to show Dove, it was a dreamcatcher. Bella grinned, thanking Jacob as Dove ran her finger over it, feeling the string woven around it.

"Did you make it?" Bella asked, both girls watching as he seemed embarrassed about it, but nodded as he scratched the back of his head. Both girls were staring at the dreamcatcher as Jacob looked over to Jasper and Edward and laughed. They looked over to see what he was laughing at and both girls saw Edward and Jasper watching the three of them, Jasper had his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes narrowed as Jacob as Edward was just staring, his body stiff.

"I think your boyfriends' are a little worried."

Dove smiled, trying to reassure Jasper a little, she turned back to Jacob.

"I should go, but next time Bella goes down to the Rez, I'll come down too and embarrass you." She promised, hugging him for a moment.

"See you around, Dove." He said before turning his attention to Bella. Dove grinned at Edward and Jasper as she walked back to them, turning to talk to Jasper.

"You're okay, right?" She asked and he just nodded, grabbing her hand and linking their fingers together. She didn't question him further, knowing the background on werewolves and vampires. Jacob soon left and Bella joined Edward, Jasper and Dove again, as Alice leaped over the railings by the stairs, skipping over to Bella and hugging her tightly, well, as tightly as Bella could handle.

"Happy Birthday, Bella!" She cheered over Bella's hushing. Alice held out a present for her and she sighed.

"I thought I said no presents."

"Oh, I've already seen you open it, and guess what? You love it!" She smirked, "You're gonna wear it tonight, our place." Dove looked up at Jasper, seeing him narrow his eyes at her, Dove felt happy, overly happy and knew it was down to Jasper.  

"Jasper, no fair with the mood control!" Bella snapped, causing them to laugh. Jasper squeezed Dove's hand and began to lead her to class, turning to look at Bella once more.

"Sorry, Bella Happy.." He trailed off, stopping when she glared at him, "Never mind." He grinned, looking at Dove and winking at her before walking her into the school.

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now