Chapter 21

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IT TURNED out that Edward Cullen was a fan of the dramatics, even so much as to plan to kill himself in Italy as he heard that Bella had killed herself, which wasn't true but what else was he to know? Bella immediately agreed with Alice to travel all the way to Italy to stop him, so Dove decided to go with them, she hadn't left Forks in a while and why not go travelling, and play superhero to a vampire. Edward's plan was to ask The Volturi to end his life, and if they said no, he'd make them kill him by finding a way to break a rule, giving them no choice but to kill him.

"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella questioned Alice as they were on the road in Italy, it weirdly didn't take them long, but when you have a vampire driving, and they don't need sleep, you just about get anywhere. Bella was gripping onto a handle above the door.

"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto."

It was silent for a while as they kept driving, Alice gasped.

"They refused him." Alice stated, she was now panicking, then leaned up in her seat as they entered the city, Dove looked out the window, seeing people dressed in red everywhere. Red cloaks, with the hoods up.

"Why are they all in red?" Bella asked

"San Marcos Day festival." Alice stated, hitting the car horn at people, "They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice looked up at the clock in the center of the city, "Five minutes." She stated.

People continued to crowd around the car as a police officer came over, knocking on Alice's window, motioning her to rolled down the window, Alice turned to Bella and Dove.

"Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming, If I go, he will read my thoughts. He'll think I'm lying and rush into it. Dove, go with her." Both girls rushed out the car, before Bella turned back to Alice.

"Where do I go?!" Bella yelled.

"He'll be under the clock tower, go!" Alice yelled back. That set off the girls running through the city, pushing past the people in the crowd. Bella ran ahead of Dove, pushing the people through and Dove, who was much smaller than Bella, managed to weave her way through those gaps that Bella caused as she pushed through.

Bella and Dove made it to the fountain in-front of the clocktower and both girls looked ahead, seeing Edward moving to stand beneath the clock, taking off his robe. Dove's and Bella's eyes widen as they watch for a moment before running through the fountain to get to Edward quicker.

The clock struck above them as they just reached Edward, who took his final step into the sunlight. Dove watched as Bella slammed into Edward, pushing him back into the building and from the sunlight, Dove followed her into the building, breathing heavily.

Dove glanced over at Bella and Edward, who were having their reunion, kissing each other, then her eyes move to the side and meet Jaspers. She froze, not moving towards him, but he moved towards her and pulled her into a hug, as if nothing ever happened.

His eyes closed as he continued to hug her, but she was pressing against his chest to push him away, his eyes snapped open as she moved away from him, "Dove?"

As Edward and Bella were finishing having their moment, a vampire came up to the group, dressed in a cloak, "Aro wants to speak with you again."

"No rules were broken." Edward stated, keeping Bella close.

"We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue."

Edward glared at the vampire, before looking down at Bella, "Why don't you and Dove stay and enjoy the festival?"

"The girls come with us." The vampire stated.

Before anyone could reply, Alice came through the large doors, sliding the scarf off her head and taking the glasses off her eyes, "Come on guys, it's a festival. We wouldn't want to make a scene." She said. The vampire narrowed his eyes.

"We wouldn't."

"Enough." Another voice spoke up, a smaller vampire, a woman, came around the corner, "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She then turned and walked away, the other vampire following her and leaving no choice but for the others to follow.

"Just do as she says." Alice told Bella and Dove. A mixture of vampires and humans crowded the halls, the were eventually led to an elevator, everyone pressed up against each other as the music did nothing but make the situation awkward. When they exited the elevator, the vampires strutted past them, a receptionist greeted them.

"Is she human?"


They were then met with double doors, the blond vampire opening both doors, gracefully walking into the room, three vampires sat on thrones sat in-front of the group. Once they entered the room, the doors were closed behind them.

"Sister," Another vampire came out, looking towards the blond, "We send you to get one and you bring back four. Such a clever girl. "

"Alec and Jane, twins, though I'm sure you figured that out." Alice explained to Bella and Dove. Dove recognised the vampires sat on the thrones, they were the ones from the painting in Carlisle's office.

"What a happy surprise, Bella is alive after all!" The one Dove knew as Aro stated as he rose from his throne, his eyes moved over the group, "Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending." Aro took Edward's hand from Bella's, "They are so rare.." He reminisced, looking over at Dove and Jasper, "And yet, we have two." Dove thinned her lips, not commenting, "Her blood appeals to you so much, how can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward replied.

"Yes," Aro smiled, "I can see that."

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had, with one touch." Edward informed Bella and Dove, "And now you know everything, so get on with it."

"You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward. Thought, you can't read Bella's thoughts, or Dove's. Fascinating!" He chimed, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well. Would you do me the honor?" Aro asked, holding out his hand. Dove watched helplessly as Bella placed her hand in Aro's.

Aro's eyebrows were furrowed as he held onto her hand.

"Interesting, I see nothing." Aro stated, letting go of Bella's hand, "I wonder, let's see if she's immune to all of our powers." He looked over to the Jane, raising an eyebrow, "Jane?"

Dove quickly turned to Jane as she smirked and whispered, "Pain." Bella didn't have a reaction, and weirdly enough, neither did Dove, who's eyes were screwed shut waiting for the said pain. Jane's eyes narrowed as she continued to try and hurt the girls, but she snarled.

"Jane.." Aro stated, holding his hand out. Jane looked at him, doe eyed.


"Go ahead," He said as Jane narrowed her eyes on Bella, putting all her power into it, but Edward stepped in-front of her and took the brunt of it, causing Bella to yell out to try and stop it. Aro stopped Jane once more, but the blond vampire on the throne spoke up this time.

"They know too much, they're a liability."

"That's true." Aro agreed, before turning to the other vampire, "Felix?"

Dove looked over to Alice, who winked at her. She knew something nobody else did.

"Wait!" Alice yelled out, "They'll become one of us, I've seen it." She stated, everyone stared at her as if they didn't believe her at first, "I'll change them myself." Everyone watched as Aro slowly walked over to Alice, reaching for her hand and seeing what Alice saw.

"Your gifts.." Aro said as he let go Alice's hand, "You'll both make for intriguing immortals." He turned and walked back to the thrones, waving his hand, "Go now, make your preparations."

"We will make sure she follows through," Caius promised, "I would not delay. We do not offer second chances."

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now