Chapter 20

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DOVE WISHED that the hiking was the adrenaline phase thing now, not this. She and Bella walked up the cliff that they both saw the boys jump off, not a couple of weeks ago. Dove clenched her jaw as she walked side by side with Bella.

"You're still seeing Edward, huh?" Dove stated, as they stopped at the edge.

"I just wanted to see him." Bella whispered. Dove watched with wide eyes as Bella took a deep breath and leaped off the cliff, falling into the ocean. She eventually hit it with a smack, Dove leaned over the edge with tearful eyes, she then looked further down the beach and saw Jacob running towards the water, diving under and pulling Bella out, she didn't looked to breathing.

Dove ran back down the cliff, nearly tripping over her own feet to get down to the beach, where she found Bella now breathing; Jacob must've done chest compressions on her. Dove's tears were falling down her face as she kneeled beside the pair of them. She immediately brought Bella into a hug, before pulling back and shaking her angrily.

"How could you be so stupid!" Dove yelled, before breaking into sobs. Bella pulled her into a hug, wetting her. Other boys from the Rez came running over.

"Get her home, we're going to help out at Harry's place."

Dove looked over to Jacob, wondering what was going on.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. Charlie and my dad are over at his place with his family." Jacob told Dove and Bella.

"What happened?" Bella asked

"The redhead, she was out there with us, and she scared the living hell out of Harry."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"None of this is your fault Bella. I mean it, don't you dare blame yourself." Jacob said, and that was enough to know that Harry wasn't going to be okay. He was gone.

Jacob drove the girls home, Bella was in the front as Dove was in the back, listening to Bella's teeth chatter and watching her shiver. Bella sighed as she leaned against Jake.

"You're really warm."

"It's a wolf thing." Jacob explained.

"No, it's a Jacob thing. You're just really warm." Bella stated, snuggling into him and Dove just looked away, looking out the window. Jacob pulled into the Swan residence, Dove stepped out first when she noticed the black, prestine car further down the road, not too far though.

Dove stood still when Bella came to look at the car beside her, what she had said made Dove's blood run cold.

"That's Carlisle's car.. They're back."

"Bella, stop! It could be a trap!" Jacob yelled as the girls walked to the house, Bella opening the door.

"Bella?" The familiar chime from the small vampire was heard, both girls turned to find Alice Cullen, "Dove?"

"Alice, why are you here?" Dove questioned, Alice just stared at the pair infront of her, but Alice just pulled the girls into a hug, ignoring that fact that Bella was dripping wet and freezing.

"I can't believe you're here." Bella said. Alice pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive?" Alice demanded, her eyes narrowed at Bella. Bella backed off from Alice a little.

"What?" Bella questioned, confusion clear over her face.

"I saw a vision of you where you jumped off of a cliff." Alice explained, then looked over to Dove, "And you were just sat at the edge crying and that was it. Why would you kill yourself? What about Charlie?"

"I didn't try to kill myself." Bella explained, "I was cliff jumping, recreationally, it was fun."

The girls moved to the living, the conversation about whether Bella was committing suicide or cliff jumping laid to rest for the time being. Alice's face screwed up as she sniffed.

"What is that wet dog smell?" She asked, her voice loud.

"That could be either of us actually, it's probably Jacob." Bella looked over to Alice, who's eyebrows were raised in question, "They're werewolves."

"Werewolves are not good company to keep, guys!" Alice stated, her eyes wide. Dove laughed a little.

"Alice, you're a vampire." Dove said sarcastically. Jacob was now stood in the doorway, the look on the face showed that he had heard everything Alice said.

"Speak for yourself." He stated, his eyes never leaving Alice. Bella walked over to his side, looking at him as if to ask why he was there, "I had to make sure you were safe, and Dove." Alice looked offended.

"You think that I was going to hurt Bella and Dove?" Alice questioned. Jacob scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"No, you're just another harmless Cullen." He sneered, "I'm talking about the other blood sucker that's trying to kill Bella and Dove because of you." Alice furrowed her eyebrows before looking between the girls.


"Yeah, Victoria's been here." Bella said with a frown.

"I haven't seen her, and I didn't see you get pulled from the water either." Alice looked down in thought, before narrowing her eyes at Jacob, "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts!" Alice squealed.

"Don't make me get upset." Jacob warned, taking a step to the Cullen. Dove quickly stood, holding her hands up between the both of them.

"Okay, let's cool down." Dove stated. Alice rolled her eyes at Jacob. Bella sighed and pulled Jacob into the kitchen, he followed willingly. Alice sighed and gave a weak smile to Dove.

"How have you been?" She asked Dove, who shrugged with a smile before taking seat.

"I've been okay, I'm better than I was a few weeks ago. I've been keeping busy." Dove said. Alice took the seat next to her.

"He misses you." Alice stated, watching as the girl freezes, "He talks about you all the time."

"Well, it's too late, I'm over him." Her voice shook as she spoke, "I'm getting over him, and I can't accept him back. I'm moving on." Dove stated, but she knew it was a lie. Alice nodded with a weak smile.

"He meant that he loved you, you know." Alice said and Dove shook her head.

"It was all a lie, and I know it."

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now