Chapter 12

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BELLA JOINED Dove in the truck moments later, speeding from the house in record time. Dove didn't speak when she noticed Bella crying. As Bella drove, Edward jumped down from the top of the truck, holding onto the side as he told Bella to move up so he could take over driving, she sniffled but did so.

Dove was numb and kept quiet as Edward drove up to the Cullen house, where she saw Jasper standing around anxiously, as if waiting for her, and once the truck was stopped, he rushed over and opened the door, pulling her into a tight hug. They then walked inside, finding Carlisle speaking to Laurent, no Victoria or James in sight.

Edward and Jasper snarled and started to rush up to him, but Carlisle stopped them.

"Wait! He came to warn us about James." He stated, but Jasper still glared at Laurent.

"This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games." Laurent spoke up, "But, he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal and I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years, and the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." He nodded to Carlisle and walked out the house.

The group walked to the garage, finding Esme, Rosalie, Alice and Emmett.

"I've had to fight our kind before, they're not easy to kill." Jasper stated as he walked over to Emmett, Dove and Bella stood with Edward.

"But it's not impossible." Emmett stated, somewhat happily.

"We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces. I don't relish in killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle said, his voice low, almost upset as he counted money.

"What if he kills one of us?" Rosalie asked

"No," Dove shook her head, "I won't let it get that far."

"I won't let you die for either of us." Bella said, shaking her head too.

"Some measly tracker won't take us down." Emmett said, grinning at both girls.

"You're both family now, we protect family." Carlisle said, looking between both girls, "We will not get hurt, you have my word." Dove frowned at his words but nodded nonetheless.

"I'm going to run Bella and Dove south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward asked, preparing to get Bella and Dove into a car.

"No, Edward. James know you wouldn't leave Bella, and Jasper with Dove. He'll follow you." Carlisle stated, shaking his head at the suggestion

"I'll go with them, I'll drive Bella and Dove south." Alice chirped from her position, sitting on the counter "I'll keep them safe." She promised, looking at Edward and Jasper.

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward sneered at her.

"Yes." She nodded, grabbing Bella and Dove's hands. Jasper quickly took her jacket off her, passing it Rosalie.

"Can you put this on SL the tracker won't pick up her scent?" Jasper asked her, noticing the look of distain on her face, but she did so anyway. Dove and Bella sat in the back of a car as Alice was in the drivers seat.

Edward walked over to Bella's side as Jasper leaned down to press his forehead against Dove's. Dove's eyes watered as she stared at him, she truly was scared and Jasper used his abilities to calm her a little, but it didn't do much.

"Please be careful." She said to him, her thumb running along his cheekbone.

"I'll be fine, as long as you're safe and alive." He said before pressing a kiss to her temple, and quickly leaned away as Alice pressed down on the peddle as they sped out of the garage, leaving the others behind.

Dove watched as they passed the Welcome to Forks sign.

Within the next 24 hours, they found themselves at a hotel in Phoenix. They were all sat in the main room of their suite when Alice gasped, she having a vision.

"The tracker, he's just changed course." Alice stated, her voice shakey, her hands dashing around the table in front of her, trying to find a pencil and a piece of paper, Dove guided her hands to them and watched as she began drawing.

Dove and Bella watched as she drew, a room appearing, she continued to make it look like the walls were covered in mirrors, little bars scattered across the walls, Bella's eyes widened as she seemed to recognise the room.

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain." Bella whispered.

"They can change, it's based on the persons decision." Dove said. Bella furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the drawing.

"Okay, so, the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" Bella questioned, staring at the drawing.

Alice froze, slowly looking up at Bella.

"You've been here?"

"I took lessons as a kid, the school I went to had an arch just like that." Bella explained, pointing at the picture.

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Dove asked Bella

"Yeah." Bella said as the phone in her hand rang, she had been in contact with Edward on and off in the past few hours, but when she answered it, she immediately passed it to Dove.

"Hello?" She answered, walking away from Alice and Bella for a moment of privacy, "Jasper? Are you safe?"

"We've lost the tracker, the woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect Charlie. I'm coming to get you, and you and I, we're gonna go somewhere. Alone. The others will keep hunting, I promise." He spoke quickly, almost sounding anxious, "I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again." He promise.

The girls quickly got into action, packing their clothes into the one suitcase when Bella's phone rang. Dove took the suitcase and walked downstairs to the lobby to find Alice, who was checking them out the hotel.

She placed the suitcase at Alice's feet before heading to the toilets, but getting dragged around the corner by Bella, who was crying and looked panicked, shaking as she explained what had just happened.

"He has Mom. He wants me, he won't hurt her if he gets me."

Dove bit her lip in consideration, she couldn't let Bella go alone.

"I'm coming with you."

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now