Chapter 19

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DOVE TOTALLY got dragged to that movie date, going along with Jake to accompany Mike and Bella. Bella went off to buy the tickets as the three of them stood around awkwardly. They were still waiting on Jessica, Angela and Eric, but they had yet to arrive. Bella sound came back from the long cue, an awkward look on her face.

"Jessica bailed, and Angela got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her." Bella explained, "Look's like it's just us four."

"Great." Mike and Jacob said together, both sounding so enthusiastic. Dove rolled her eyes at her own internal sarcasm. She hadn't been there long but she knew it was going to be one of those nights. After the movie, Mike was in the bathroom, throwing up as Dove, Bella and Jacob waited.

"What a marshmallow." Jacob commented, "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach." He added, talking to Bella, "Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit." Dove slyly glanced over at him, she was understanding his message, but Bella was unclear. She was in her own thoughts again, thinking about Jasper more and more as the minutes passed by, and was brought back out of her wishful thinking when Mike's voice cut straight through her.

"What is your problem, man?" Mike asked Jacob.

"You're my problem." Jacob snarled, "Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital" He threatened, and Bella and Dove watched, Dove saw that Jacob looked really hot, as in warm, he was close to sweating buckets.

"Jake, you're looking really warm, you need to calm down. You look like you have a fever." She stated, Jacob flinched, stopping attack on Mike and shook his head. He mumbled something and left, leaving the girls with Mike.

"Dude is weird." Mike stated, staring after Jacob.

The girls didn't respond to that comment. The night was over for them. Dove was in her room later that night, looking up at the ceiling again, things just seemed to be getting more weirder as the days passed, she wasn't sure how she was coping, but she was breathing and that's all that mattered at the mean time. Even's Bella psychotic state of seeing Edward in places she shouldn't didn't even put a damper on her mood.

Jasper Hale did though, she couldn't shake her thoughts of him. Even the miniscule things were in her mind, like his hair, it's curls, or the coolness of his skin.

The next few days, they didn't go see Jacob, but instead went hiking, on Bella's demand.

It seemed like Bella knew where she was going, so Dove followed, watching as Bella climbed over logs and hug rocks on their way. She hoped this wouldn't lead to one of Bella's crazy adrenaline schemes. The girls continued on, coming across a clearing, but it wasn't full of greenery, it was brown, like the grass and everything was dying. The girls just walked into the clearing.

The hair on the back of Dove's neck rose as they saw a familiar face walk into the clearing.

"Laurent." Bella whispered, as the girls came face to face with the vampire that kept his distance during the Victoria and James incident. Dove clenched her fists at the reminder. Don't think of him, he left, he left.

"I didn't expect to find you both here. "Laurent stated, "I went to visit the Cullen's, but the house is empty. I'm surprised they left you both behind. Weren't you both sort of pets?"

Bella cleared her throat, "Yeah, you could say that."

"I came as a favour to Victoria, she asked me to see if you were still protected by the Cullen's. Victoria feels it's only fair since you killed James, that she kills both of you. An eye for an eye, if you will." Laurent explained, stepping closer to the girls. Dove glanced over to Bella, and Bella looked over to Dove, and then they both ran through the forest, towards the Rez, if they got there, the boys would protect them, Dove knew.

They got closer and closer to Jacob's house, seeing him come out shirtless and with shorter hair now. He looked up and saw the girls running from Laurent, who was slowly catching up to them, he wasn't running after them.

Jacob ran towards what seemed like the girls, which worried Bella.

"Jake, run!" She ran but he continued to run at them and jumped over them, as he transformed into the wolf he was, which shocked Bella and stunned Dove, as they ducked so he jumped clean over them. Jacob fought with Laurent, effectively killing him when he tore him apart. Bella's eyes were wide as she watched on, not believing that the supernatural aspect of her life only just begun. Dove then realised when Jacob stated that the others were now apart of a cult, it wasn't really a cult, it was a pack and they were just waiting on Jacob to complete his transformation.

They didn't see him after that day either, and Bella was anxious, even to the point she drove Dove and herself to his house again, only to come face to face with Billy Black at the front door.

"I need to see him." Bella stated, looking around Billy to look into the house, trying to find Jacob.

"He's not in."

Bella shook her head and looked down at Billy, an apologetic look on her face as she pushed past, "I'm sorry, but I need to see him." Dove frowned at Billy, but he nodded as to let her past, and she followed Bella, rushing to catch up just in time to see Bella confront the others.

"Hey, what did you do?!" Bella demanded as she pushed Sam, "What did you do to him!" Jared snarled at her.

"Hey, easy!" Sam ordered.

"He didn't want this!" Bella shouted, and Dove grasped her hand, pulling her away a little once she saw Paul's angry face.

"What did he do?" Paul growled at Bella, "What did he tell you?"

"Leave her alone!" Dove stepped forward, but Sam came between them.

"All of you, calm down!" Sam yelled.

"Nothing!" Bella replied, "He told me nothing because he's scared of you!"

That when Paul started laughing, which annoyed both girls. Dove seemed to watch in slow motion as she saw Bella's hand rear back, then hit Paul's face, a resounding smack echoing. Paul was still for a moment, before his anger got the better of him, and he started shaking.

"Too late now." Jared smirked as Dove tried to pull Bella back, for her own safety.

"Get back." Sam told the girls, "Paul, calm down!"

Paul glanced over to Bella and snarled, his clothes shredding as she phased right in-front of the girls. Bella fell to the ground, pulling Dove with her as she tried to scramble away. Before the wold could attack the girls, another wolf bounded over and landed on Paul, pushing him away from the girls.

Bella drove Dove home after that, but once she was out the truck, she drove back to the Rez for answers, one Dove didn't really want or need.

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