Chapter 3

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CHARLIE WAS already seated and waited when the girls arrived at the diner. When they had sat down opposite him, he had already told them that he had ordered for them and within a minute of sitting down, a waitress came over and placed some plates in front of them, Dove looked down at the burger and fries happily, picking up a fry and munching in it as the waitress looked at Bella.

"I can't believe how grown up are, you're both so gorgeous." The waitress commented, Bella and Dove smiled at the waitress as an middle-aged bald man came over, smiling at them.

"Hey girls, you remember me?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips, both girls looked at Charlie for a second, "I played Santa one year." The man continued, trying to get the girls to remember.

"Yeah, Waylon, Bella hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four, and I don't think Dove has had a Christmas here." Charlie explained, picking up the salt shaker and spraying the salt over his food.

"I bet I mad an impression, though, don't I?" Waylon asked

"You always do." Charlie assured him, a sarcastic smile on his face as he looked between both Bella and Dove. Dove smiled at both men.

"Butt-crack Santa?" The waitress said, seeing if it jogged Bella's memory, but they still laughed at it as both girls just sat there.

"Hey, kids love those little bottles, though."

"Alright, let the girls eat their burger, Waylon." The waitress said, pushing him away a little, "As soon as you're dine, Bella, I'll bring over your favourite, berry cobler, and chocolate ice cream, remember? Your dad still has the berry cobler. Every Thursday."

"Thank you, that would be great." Bella said and the waitress turned to Dove.

"What about you, Hun?"

"Oh!" Dove exclaimed, "I'd love to try the cobler."

The waitress winked at both girls before walking off.

Later that night, Dove was sat on Bella's bed with Bella, listening to her conversation with Renée.

"Hey girls, so listen, if spring training goes well, we could be moving to Florida." She said to Bella and Dove, before an automated voice stating to insert more money took over the call, causing Renée to sigh but do so.

"Mom, where's your cell?" Bella asked, almost smirking.

"Okay, don't laugh, I didn't lose my power cord, it ran away." Renée said, making the pair laugh at her misfortune, "Screaming. I literally repel technology now."

"I miss you." Bella sighed, Dove leaned her head on her shoulder.

"I miss you both, so much." Renée said, "But tell me more about your school. Now, what are the kids like? Are there any cute guys? Are they being nice to you?"

Both girls looked at each other for a moment before answering.

"They're, uh, very welcoming." Bella said.

"Tell me all about it." Renée encouraged, but Bella shook her head, closing her notebook and picking up her homework, reminding Dove that she had her own waiting in her room.

"It doesn't even matter." Bella pushed

"Yes, it does, honey." Renée encouraged, "Dove, you can tell me."

"We have homework to do." Bella said, "I'll talk to you later."

Renee sighed, "Okay. I love you both."

"Love you." Dove said

"Love you too." Bella said and ended the call, sighing and looking over to Dove, who was laid back on her bed, "Don't you have homework to do?" Bella asked her, watching as she groaned and threw herself off Bella's bed.

"Don't remind me. I'll see you in the morning." Dove said as she left Bella's room and walked into her own. Bella smiled to herself and turned her attention to her homework, trying desperately to forget about the brunette boy with the dark eyes.

The next morning, both Dove and Bella were stood in the school parking lot, Dove was correcting her mistakes in her homework last minute when Bella suddenly spoke up.

"I'm gonna confront him."

Dove looked up from her homework, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to think of who Bella was talking about.

"Who? Mike? Because I'm pretty sure he has a thing for the both of us." Dove shivered, and it wasn't because of the cold breeze.

"Weird, but no, Edward." Bella said as a Jeep rolled into the parking lot, both Dove and Bella stared at it as it stopped in a parking spot and its inhabitants exited the Jeep. Emmett, Rosalie and Alice came out, but there was no Edward or Jasper in sight, which made Dove and Bella curious.

"Maybe not today, Bella." Dove said. Before Bella could say anything, Tyler, the guy who had kissed them yesterday, threw a piece of candy at them, gaining their attention and trying to get them to join him and his friends, both girls shook their heads, Dove waved her homework in the air, as some sort of excuse.

Dove looked over to the Cullen's again, noticing Alice smiling at her, then winked before turning back to Rosalie and walking inside the school. Dove looked away then, unsure what to think about Jaspers sudden disappearance.

A week or so passed since the boys' disappearance, until one day, when the girls pulled into the parking lot, they were both stood there, by the Jeep and Edward's car, standing around talking amongst each other. Bella nudged Dove to get her attention and as she looked up, she caught Jasper's eye. They must've been running late because the bell rang, making Dove jump as all her attention had been on non other than Jasper Hale.

Dove said her goodbyes to Bella and rushed to her next class, which was ironically History and she'd be sat next to Jasper for the entire time. She calmed herself before walking into the class, seeing some other students already sat at their desks and talking, but Jasper was already sat at their table, tapping his pen against his notebook.

Dove walked over and took the seat beside him, causing him to stiffen for a second. She silently placed her bag on the ground and waited for class to began, not uttering a word to anyone.

"Hello, Dove." The southern voice to the side of her spoke up, her heart rate rose as she glanced over at him, giving him a weak smile.

"Hey, Jasper." She breathlessly said. Jasper could feel her nervousness, and calmed her down, not to her knowledge. Dove exhaled, feeling much calmer. But then, she also felt more confident, "You've quickly become a stranger again, mister." She joked.

His lips twitched into a shy grin, his eyes darting to his notebook before looking back at her, "Well, I apologise ma'am." Dove blushed, avoiding looking at him as he stiffened again, her blushing causing the rushing blood to sing to him, a good portion of his thoughts being how he could lure her away from the others so he could taste that blood, perhaps enough to kill her.

No, he couldn't do that. That why he went to Alaska, he needed to calm down, he could not hurt her.

Dove looked back at him, her blush gone as they stared at each other. Then class started, but that didn't disturb their chemistry with each other, their skin barely touching, something Jasper kept from happening, as to not let her feel how cold he really was, how lifeless he really was. Their eyes locking when one would look to the other.

It really was something out of a teen movie.

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