Chapter 5

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"...FIFTEEN KIDS that saw what happened." Rosalie's voice was harsh as she spoke, her gaze focused on Edward. Rosalie was stood in-front of Dr. Cullen, Edward and Jasper.

"What was I supposed to do? Let them die?" Edward snapped at her, Rosalie scoffed.

"This isn't just about you, it's about all of us." Rosalie sneered, Dr. Cullen stood straight when he noticed Bella and Dove further down the corridor.

"I think we should take this in my office." He muttered, Rosalie, Jasper and Edward realising their new company.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Bella asked Edward, glancing over at Dove, who just nodded and walked past them, but Edward and Jasper blocked her path, she looked up at them both, and almost shrinked into herself and walked back to Bella's side.

"Rosalie." Dr. Cullen said, gaining her attention and pushed her away from the others. Both Edward and Jasper looked down at Bella and Dove, with hard expressions. Dove furrowed her eyebrows, what had happened to the easy going and playful Jasper she had gotten to know.

"How, how did you reach us so fast?" Bella questioned Edward.

"I was standing right next to you, Bella." Edward looked at her with fake confusion, Dove just frowned and looked up at Jasper, who was avoiding her gaze now. He couldn't look at her as he basically went with the lie.

"You was across the parking lot, right next to your car." Bella tried to argue.

"Bella stop it." Edward hissed, leaning closer to her, "Can't you be thankful that you and Dove aren't dead?" He questioned. Bella looked over to Dove, who looked like she was close to crying, and nodded her head at Edward.

"Fine. Thanks." She mumbled and grasped Dove's arm and pulled her along. Dove glanced back at Edward and Jasper, who didn't even watch as she walked away. She just knew that whatever was going on between herself and Jasper was now ruined, and that something was going on in the town of Forks.

Confused would be an understatement to what Dove felt the next day. They were in the parking lot the next day, some of Tyler's blood still on the floor. Dove jumped when she heard Mike's voice as he came over.

"Look at you two, huh? You're alive!"

Dove smiled weakly and looked behind him to see Alice, Edward and Jasper walking toward one of the buses for the trip they were about to go on.

"I know, yeah. False alarm, I guess." Bella laughed. Mike smiled at her.

"Yeah." He then turned to Dove, "Hey, uh, I wanted to ask you, you know, if, you know it's like a month away, but.." Dove watched as he stuttered his way through his question, "Do you want to go to prom with me?" He exhaled a baited breath as he finally asked her.

Dove frowned, not that she didn't like Mike, she just didn't like him enough to go to prom with him.

"Oh, Mike. I'm sorry but me and Bella are going to Jacksonville that weekend." She explained, watching as Mike's face fell.

"Can't you go another weekend?" He asked, as a last resort.

"Non-refundable tickets." Bella butted in.

"You should totally ask Jessica though, she definitely would go with you, she's probably been dying for you to ask her." Dove said, both her and Mike looking over to where she was, Jessica looked up and smiled at the pair. Mike nodded and rushed over to Jessica, just as Mr. Molina called out.

"Hey, hey, guys, come. We gotta go. We gotta go, green is what? Good. Let's go." He cheered. Bella and Dove walked over to a bus and as the Cullen's and Hale's walked onto the bus, he pointed to the other one, signalling that that particular bus was full, "Other bus, other bus. Let's go."

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