Chapter 8

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AFTER DOVE had finished eating and Jasper paid for the bill, they met Bella and Edward outside, this time Bella was sat in the passenger seat, Dove and Jasper in the back. Dove watched as Bella and Edward touched hands as they both reached to turn down the heater in the car. She saw as both Edward and Bella froze, locking eyes before slowly pulling away, she didn't comment about it.

Edward soon pulled outside their house, both Bella and Dove giving awkward goodbyes to Jasper and Edward before walking into the house, finding Charlie asleep on the couch, so they decided to head to bed also, their day more dramatic than needed. Bella was already in her room, door shut and locked by the time Dove came out the bathroom and walked into the room, jumping and nearly screaming when she found Jasper sitting on her bed, the window open, letting her know how he got inside.

"How did you even manage to get up here to get through the window?" She hissed, trying to keep quiet.

"I climbed." He whispered, now standing to move closer to her, their chests almost touching. Her breathing quicken as she realised how close they really were, "Plus, I wanted to tell you something."

"Well," she exhaled, "Go ahead."

His face came closer to hers, their foreheads just barely touching, no words were spoken yet, but her heartbeat increased and Jasper clenched his fists, hearing her heartbeat and the blush rushing through her.

"I tried so hard to stay away.." He whispered, "I don't think I can anymore "

She breathed in a shaky breath.

"Then don't." She concluded before he pulled her into a kiss, their lips smashed together in a not so elegant kiss. Their hands clawed at each other for a few seconds, before she was pushed onto her bed, both of them breathing heavily.

If he had the capability, his face would've been red and his heartbeat fast. He then felt the need to tell her everything.

"You don't know why I tried so hard to stay away." He began, she slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard.

"Tell me."

He stared at her with his dark eyes, then almost grinned sarcastically.

"Come on think about it; why I'm not around when the sun is out, why I can feel peoples emotions, why I can't be around you without wanting to rip out your throat and taste what's there." He says menacingly as he leans towards her, his body covering hers entirely as his finger dances across her neck, feeling the pulse underneath his fingertips. 

"Vampire.." She whispered, her lips brushing against his as he still continued to kneel over her, slowly getting closer and closer. He grinned, but this time it didn't seem so sadistic, more proud.

"Now, what else clued you in?" He asked

"The Quileute legends." She stated, "That's why we were at Port Angeles, we went to this bookstore that had a boom about legends and stuff. Bella has it. She was very curious about it, and once it got brought up, I couldn't help but fall under it's spell."

They stayed there for a while, just staring at each other.

"Are you not afraid?" He asked

"No." She breathed, "If you were going to hurt me, you would've by now, not explained this to me and saved me from a potential rape." She explained and he cringed, pulling away from her, moving to sit beside her.

"There's no potential about it, Edward heard their plans."


"He can... Hear peoples thoughts." Jasper explained.

"I would love to see his face when he hears Bella's."

"That's what annoys him a little, he can't hear hers, or yours for that matter." Jasper admitted, "How very special."

"So, if you're not going to attack me and use me as your personal blood bank, what do you uh.." She stuttered, thinking of the best way to ask.

He chuckled at her.

"Animals. None of us eat humans, there are those who do, but we don't." He explained, "It's a running joke between us and others who feed on animals that we're vegetarians."

Dove tilted her head as she turned and looked at him, really looked St him.

"How old are you really?"

"I don't know exactly, I was turned during the Civil War." He admitted. Dove grinned up at him.

"This takes the whole attracted to older guys to a whole new level." She stated, making Jasper laugh, "What, right now, is stopping you from ripping my throat out?"

"The fact I've gotten used to your smell, and that I don't ever want to hurt you."

"How have you gotten used to it? I mean, we're only ever really together during class, if anything, it should be harder for you."

He then looked really uncomfortable, like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I come over, when I know you're asleep, and watch you sleep. Acclimatise myself to your smell little by little." He smiled sheepishly at her.

"Well, it's not the weirdest thing I've heard." She joked, hoping to lighten the mood, "It's a good job I like having you around Jasper Hale."

"Feelings mutual, Dove Williams." He stated, staring down at her, reaching to play with one of her curls, his finger tracing her jawline as he leaned in, closer and closer, "Can I try something?" 

She took a deep breath, then nodded, watching him as his eyes focused on her lips, taking a shaky breath himself before leaning just that little bit closer and pressing his lips to hers again, this time a little more gentler than before, really taking it in.

Her hands slowly moved to cup his face, her lips slowly parted to breath before continuing the kiss, the low sounds of their lips connecting and her breathing being the only thing to hear.

Her heart fluttered as they continued, but he slowly pulled away, his fists clenching as it got too much for him.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, her lips slightly swollen. He shook his head, pressing a kiss to her forehead before stepping from the bed.

"It's not your fault." He whispered, slowly walking over to the window, "I'll see you tomorrow." He said before jumping out the window, leaving her a wreck on her bed, but not in a bad way.

Mourning Doves • J.H Where stories live. Discover now