Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

October 13th, Day 4

I woke up with eager feet; chills already lined my arms and legs; displaying my apprehension. This could be the morning where I tell Louis who I am. This could be the last time I see Louis. This could be the very last time I speak to Louis. Louis. Louis was all I could think about. 

 I almost jumped out of bed when I saw the cold digits on my small yellow alarm clock. I had hoped Louis wasn't sitting in the bakery waiting and wondering where I was; or who I was with; even though I was alone with not even my mind present to keep me company. 

 It had only been four days since I'd met Louis. Yet, I felt the need to spill my secret before if got out of hand; or -in other words- before I ruined him. Before I ruined us

 But the funny thing was, there wasn't even an us. Us was just a way of putting two friends in the same equation. Two friends that could possibly end up as more but most likely wont. Two genuine friends that just seem to enjoy each others presence. 

 And now I was running late; even more late than I already was. All because I got stuck in my thoughts again, the bars locking down around me. I was aware now, stumbling tiredly around the empty rooms whilst trying to get a pair of brown boots over my black skinny jeans. 

 I grabbed a coat, not even bothering to see which one I had picked up and secured it around an orange sweater I wore. And then hurriedly, I shuffled out the front door, locking it behind me. 

  I jogged, my arms paddling beside me to help push through heavy autumn air; ignoring those few shocked faces and confused eyes. I didn't really care about my fans at a time like this. I mean, of course I cared about them but it was different now that I had a special boy waiting inside a bakery for me -even though he could be far gone by now; me being so late-. 

 But as I burst through the front doors of the shop a few faces looked up and I scanned them fast; not finding the one I was hoping for. All new features to me, none to any I've seen before. 

 I dropped my eyes and somehow my chest found a reason to stop panting. In fact, my whole mind shut down for a split deadening second. Then I slowly moved myself to sit in the usual corner where Louis and I would assemble for morning hot chocolate and tea. 

 I knew he wasn't going to be here, below the bubble around my mind I knew Louis would leave before I got a chance to arrive. I was too late and he had grown impatient waiting for me. I always seemed to jack with people like that; make them believe I cared for a few days and then grew tired of them -which wasn't true in the slightest-. 

I rubbed at my eyes, leaned my elbows on the chilled table and drowned in disappointment. Because I had disappointed myself, but that was nothing new to me. By this time I was used to my inadequacies to keep relationships on the border line.  

 And I didn’t know what was wrong with me that day because I’d never been this worked up over one person before. Especially someone who I’d met only 96 hours ago. I then shook my head because how is it possible to count the exact time from when I’d met a silly boy without trying.

 “Harry?” My heart stopped when my strained ears picked up that quiet hum of a recognizable quirky voice and my eyes shot from my hands and up at a shrunken Louis engulfed in a giant wool sweater; making him look appetizing enough to cuddle with.

I scratched the red out of my eyes and tried my best to pull a smile from my lips, “Your still here?” I asked; not taking the time to blink or even breathe properly.

He looked around, as if I was dumb and chuckled to himself, “Well I’m standing right in front of you, so yes I’m obviously here.”

I rolled my eyes and waved him to sit down; trying to play the scene as if I hadn’t been a total wreck ten seconds before he showed up. “I just thought maybe you’d left already.” I spoke lowly, bowing my head to chip at my nails a bit.

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