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The sound of her last name strikes a sour tune to her ears.

"Chiharu. Please... Fujimoto was my father's title," she says sheepishly.

"Alright, Boss." He says.

"About the case?" She asks.
He nods.

"Someone reported a cadaver just outside the thirteenth district. She was stabbed multiple times with a blade of some kind, and left out in public as a display. The police began to search, and not too long after, another body shows up in the eleventh district, mutilated in the same manner," he explains.

"Have you checked the scanners for anyone whose crime coefficient has become unstable within the time frame?" She asks.

"Yes. The search had brought up a handful of candidates, all of which had already been flagged and sent for therapy," he says.

She scrunches her face.

"What about any clues? Evidence?" She asks.
He pulls up another tab, this one depicting a brandished knife with a dragon-like hilt.

"This was discovered at the second crime scene. We believe that the killer must have dropped it in a rush to flee the scene," he says.

He also hands her a file of papers. She opens it up and examines them.

"From the age and gender of the victims, it's safe to assume that our killer is male and in or close to his thirties. He also has a taste for brunettes," Chiharu infers.

"That's what I had expected," Kogami nods.

"But the knife... Has it been analyzed for prints?" She asks.

"Yes. The killer must have worn gloves, seeing as there weren't any evident prints at the crime scene," he says.

She holds up a picture of the knife. "I feel like I've seen this before," she mumbles, racking her brain.

A device on her and the others wrist blinked.

Gionza speaks out. "They've found another. Let's go."

Chiharu follows closely behind. They arrive at a park. Droids and Police tape blocked off the the park from the rest of society.

"Inspector Ginoza. Why are Kogami and the others being transported separately," Chiharu asks.

He gives a perturbed sigh. "I suppose I should explain, since it is your first day on the job."

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