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After the incident on the roof, Chiharu was taken back and put on immediate bed rest as the docs and machines tended to her wound. She had fallen asleep, only to be awoken by the squeak of rusty chair wheels.

Her eyes crack open to see the dark haired Enforcer looking down at her.

"Didn't mean to wake you," he mentions.

She raises up, feeling the sore pain where the wound had been bandaged.

"No. I couldn't sleep anyhow," she says.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Honestly? I've been better, but having company helps," she tries to smile. "I should be released soon."

"Now that you've seen what this job is... Do you think you can handle it?" He asks.

"Well, no one looks forward to being hurt or dying on the job... But you can't expect it to be easy. I'll keep fighting. Someone has to," she says. "SYBIL is just a machine. It can't actually protect anyone. That's why we're here."

Kogami smirks. "I agree. Though, if you're smart, it'd do you good to watch what you say. I'd hate to see your hue become cloudy."

She gives a dry laugh. "A cloudy hue is the least of my worries. It wouldn't be the first time that I have been pulled into therapy because of my murky hue."

It was clear that he was about to ask more, but a knock at the door stopped him.

"I suppose my time is up. Get some rest, rookie, alright?" He says, the chair wheels squeaking as he raised up.

"Alright. Thank you, Enforcer Kogami," she nods.

He leaves and in exchange for a condescending Ginoza.

"How are you?" He starts off, though she could tell that the question was the least of his worries.

"Good... I think," she says, adjusting herself into a more comfy position.

"Good," he says, tinkering with the position of his glasses. "I have some... Paperwork to fill out."

"Okay. I'll answer whatever questions that I need to," she complies.

"You should know that an Enforcer as reckless as Kogami taking a shot at an Inspector is a serious matter. An action such as that would mean a just as serious of a punishment. His unruly action needs to be dealt with," he scolds.

She straightens her spine. "Enforcer Kogami's actions were the result of my orders. He followed my command, and as a result, the criminal was stopped. If anything, he saved my life. If a punishment needs to be giving, then give it to me, sir. I was the one who had been reckless."

"Is that your final statement?" He asks.

"Yessir," she nods. "I still have much to learn, however I don't regret my decisions. If I hadn't acted, or Enforcer Kogami, the criminal would have taken the life of another innocent."

He nods. "Well said."

She lets out a sigh of relief as the questions were much easier than the first. It wasn't until his final words, ones that made her gut sink, that she felt a clench on her focus.

He sighs. "Inspector, I pray that you don't disapprove of my looking into your background. I needed to know who you were... During the mission, your hue clouded tremendously and your coefficient spiked. They aren't more than the limit... However, if I were you, I would take caution. The head figures at the bureau may look into it and see you as unfit to be an Inspector. Just... Be careful. Don't grow too attached to the Enforcers, either. It won't be good for you to be stuck in the same abyss as them."

The air grew stale. She knew full well that something like that may happen. Even after she had tried so hard to get better, she still wasn't better. She would never be in the eyes of SYBIL. She didn't notice her fingers clutching at the fabric of her bed. Her eyes wanted to cry as the memories were brought back into her mind. She wipes them away, worried that the silly tears would cloud her hue.

"Yessir... I'll try harder next time," she mumbles.

"Good," he says, knowing that he didn't have the right words to say more. "You did good, Inspector. I can see you doing well in the future at the PSB."

With that, he leaves and she was once again alone in the medical room.

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