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--The Next Day--

"Ah there you are," Chiharu says, poking herself around a corner. "Enforcer Masaoka had said I'd find you here."

Kogami was resting on a sofa, putting out a cigarette in an ash tray on the table.

"Yeah, rookie? How're you feeling?" He nods, giving a small half-smile.

"Good. A few stitches, but I'm good," she says, showing the thin line of stitching along her collarbone.

He nods. "What do you need? I doubt you stopped by to hangout and puff a few smokes," Kogami jokes.

"N-No, sorry. I wanted to ask you something... A favor if I could," she says.

He raises and eyebrow into a nonchalant expression, shrugging his shoulders. "Sure. Go for it."

Chiharu nods. "I... I want you to teach me to fight. Masaoka suggested that if I wanted to learn, that you were the best. I may not be much, but I want to learn so that I won't have to rely on anyone putting themselves at risk for my sake. I want to be able to fend for myself..." She pauses, her head glowering towards her feet, fists clenched, and lowering her voice. "In case the Dominators don't work..."

"You have little faith in SYBIL's judgement. That's not wise for an Inspector," he comments, though it was clear that he couldn't care less for the SYBIL System.

"People think that it's high and mighty... god-like... But man had to make it somehow. It has flaws that no one wants to admit because they're too blind to see," she says, knowing that as she spoke her hue was growing cloudy just by the words she chose. "I've seen its flaws..."

He nods, letting the air settle.

"Being the best, that I can't say, but if you want to learn, I'll teach you what I know," Kogami says, breaking the silence.

Chiharu's head pops up, gazing at him with a surprised, yet joyed, eyes.

"Thank you, sir," she bows her head, gratefully. "I'm ready to begin today. The sooner the better."

"Hold up," he says, a dry laugh escaping his throat. "I see that you're eager, but perhaps we should wait until after work tomorrow. Give you a day to get your full strength back."

She nods. "Of course."

He adjusts his place on the couch, scooting over to one side of the couch instead of the middle.

"If you're not in a hurry to leave, you're welcome to sit and rest for awhile," he says, leaning against the back cushion of the couch, patting the empty seat.

"Thank you," she says, taking a seat. "You're not like Ginoza says..."

"Oh yeah? How's that?" He says, as if he's heard the same spill before.

"You're... Nice, I think. A little scary a first... But nice," she says.

"You've got the wrong guy. I'm not nice. It's not my job to be nice, either. I'm just a dog that does the dirty work so that nice people like you don't have to," his tone becomes cold as steel.

She thinks about what he had said for a moment, processing each word.

"Even so, I don't think I'm scared of you now. I know I don't know you, Enforcer Kogami... But oddly enough, you have my trust, and it's nice. I've not been capable of doing that in a long time..." Chiharu mutters.

"Don't let Ginoza hear that. It'll be bad for your career," Kogami smirks, lightly sighing. "You've got a decent head on your shoulders, Inspector. Not many would say they trust their Enforcers and say that it's nice."

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