Work as a Team

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The ride to the shopping district seemed longer than it should have. The whole way there, Chiharu tried different techniques to keep her mind clear, so that her crime coefficient wouldn't peak.

"Are you ready?" Ginoza asks as their vehicle comes to a stop.

Chiharu only need nods. "Do we have an imagine of the one we are looking for?"

"Yes. This is him," Ginoza pulls up a picture of the man.

Chiharu studies the picture, logging the information in her brain. Soon she was out into the world beyond the confines of the vehicle. The cart of dominators pulls up to her, and she takes hers. The large black carrier stops, the Enforcers unloading.

Chiharu's eyes met Kogami. He must have picked up on the thread of fear still lingering in her mind, and walked over to her.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, he says, "Don't let your fear overcome you, rookie. We work as a team, so I've got your back."

His words seemed to help, more than she thought he could do.

"Thank you," she says, swallowing the bit of fear and putting on a mask of seriousness.

"Let's go. We have a visual on him," Ginoza orders.

"Yes, sir!" Chiharu answers.


((Sorry for being inactive,, I forget about writing in Wattpad~ I'll try to write more once I get a good idea on where I was going with this one^^

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