Shoot Him

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Chiharu steps out of the vehicle, Dominator in hand. Kogami gets out and sets up his Dominator to allow him to use it. She slides on her PSB jacket and tucks her badge into her pocket.

The home they had came to was larger than any that Chiharu had seen. It probably didn't even need holo-projection to make it any prettier, based on what she saw on the outside. Chiharu reaches the porch and knocks.

A man answers the door: the one they were after. He only opened the door enough so that they could see his face. It was clear that he was trying to hide something out of their sight.

"W-Who are you?" He asks, his tone wavering.

"I am Inspector Chiharu Fujimoto of the PSB. There's been several incidents in the area and we were hoping to ask you a few questions," she says blatantly, showing the man her badge.

He gulps.

"O-One second. Let me tidy up... I wasn't expecting guests today," he finishes with a stressed smile.

The man slinks back, quickly shutting the door. With a few clicking sounds, he had locked the front door. A high-pitched scream bellowed from inside.

"Go!" Chiharu shouts, giving him his cue.

He nods and kicks the door open. Kogami wastes no time dashing in. Chiharu picks up the pace and follows behind him. Another scream signals them to a set of stairs that led to a roof. Once they reached the roof, a girl comes running towards them. Her hair was messy and her once beautiful make-up had ran down her cheeks. She grabbed Chiharu's wrists and started mumbling frantically.

"Please, calm down, Miss. We're with the PSB," Chiharu says calmly, though to no advantage. "Could you please tell me where he went?"

She gives a jittering nod and points to behind an area of vents and electrical controls for the holos and furnaces. The Inspector sends a call for back-up. Chiharu sends a glance to Kogami.

"Let's split up. Get him from both sides," Chiharu suggests.

He nods.

Chiharu runs, her heels clicking around the rooftop as she cornered the set of machines. The area was empty. Kogami pops out on the other side, his gun raised but then lowered once he had seen that it was her.

"Where is he-" Chiharu begins to mumble as a hand reaches in front of her vision and clamps over her mouth.

He pulls her backwards, yelling for her to hush. The blade of a knife is placed at her throat. Chiharu stiffens up, wishing that she knew what to do.

"Let her go!" Kogami shouts, raising his Dominator.

"I'll kill 'er!" The man shouts wildly. "Don't you dare step closer! I'll jump!" He says, stepping onto the edge of the roof. "And I'll take 'er with me!"

"Shoot him!" Chiharu shouts.

"You're in my line of fire. It might hit you, too," Kogami warns.

"Just do it!" She shouts back. "Don't let him get away!"

"If you shoot, we'll both fall!" The man yells.

It was too late. Kogami had pulled the trigger. The paralyzing blast traveled, grazing just above her shoulder. The blast engulfed the man. He loses his footing, slipping off the edge of the roof. He drops his knife and it nicks her neck and leaves a gash at her collar bone. His weight tries to pull her down with him, but she latches onto the edge. The blast had left her shoulder with a numbing tingle, and it lost it's grip. She holds on, her fingers straining as gravity wanted to pull her down.

"Hold on, there," Kogami says, his voice rather calm.

He grips her forearm and helps her up. Once she was back on the roof, she rolls over onto her back and gazes up at the sky, breathing heavily.

"T-Thank you..." She pants, clutching her pounding chest.

"I'd hate to see you get yourself killed on your first day," he answers.

She gives a dry laugh. "It'd be a rookie mistake."

----note: I realize that I have called her an Investigator up until now, and I now know that the correct term is Inspector*--I'd go back and change it, but eh

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note: I realize that I have called her an Investigator up until now, and I now know that the correct term is Inspector*
--I'd go back and change it, but eh. I'll just make sure to do it correctly from now on.

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