Don't Give Up, Rookie.

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"Alright, lesson one. You need to have a solid stance to fight," Kogami instructs.

It was different to see him in something other than a suit and tie. She wasn't her usual either, wearing pink athletic shorts and a canary yellow tank-top and sneakers.

"Here, like this," he says, putting her hands in the right place. His touch making her jump. "And bend your knees. It will help you keep your weight on your heels."

"Like this?" She asks.

"Right," he says. "Now throw a punch at me."

Chiharu's brain took a second to think, but finally giving her nerves the command to do the punch. Kogami dodges out of the way from the petty punch.

"Hit like that and you'll break your thumb," he says, pulling her thumb out of her fist and tucking it on the outside. "Try it again."

She was lost in her thoughts, only coming back when he spoke her name.

"Inspector Chiharu. Do you need a moment?" Kogami asks.

"N-No. I'm fine," she replies quickly.

He sighs. "Knowing when people lie is part of my job. Let's take a break."

She nods.

He opens up the small fridge and pulls out a couple bottled waters and gives her one.

"Alright, spill," he says.

She looks at him. "What do you mean?"

"Something's got you distracted. Can't be that way if you're going to practice with me," Kogami states simply.

"Do you... Do you know why your crime coefficient went up?" She asks.

It was clear that she struck a sour nerve, but she needed to know.

"Not too long ago, I was faced with a case where a friend of mine was killed. It's a case that I've yet to solve," Kogami answers, his tone dull.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean-" she mumbles.

"No, it's fine. Why do you ask? I expect that you have a reason," he says.

She lets loose a puff of air, hoping that her troubles would leave with her exhale, but they only weighed heavier.

"My coefficient... It's bad. I can't stop it. It keeps getting higher and higher and I can't stop the thoughts that I have. I think it's going to drive me crazy," she mumbles. "My hue is clouding as well. It's murky and I don't know what to do. I-I can't go back..." Chiharu says frantically.

"Just because it raises doesn't make you a criminal, yourself. Don't let SYBIL decide who you are," Kogami says, cracking the lid of his water bottle.

"That much I know... But, until now, I've been in therapy all my life. I thought I would never escape, so I didn't give up. I played nice. Three years later they say I'm 'ok' and allow me to work here... But it'll all be for nothing if I go back. Because this time, I won't come out. There's nothing I can do to fix it," Chiharu says, on the brink of tears.

He takes a breath, trying to clear the air and keep her calm. "What caused it?"

She wasn't sure she could keep herself together if she told her story. Never had she told anyone, not even the people who gave her the therapy sessions, but someone should know.

"It happened when I was young. A man broke into our house, killing both of my parents and forcing me to watch. I tried to look away, but I could still hear the sounds and screams as he mutilated them. He spared me, knowing that I would slowly suffer from witnessing his work. That wasn't the end of it, though. Something took control of me, something that I couldn't contain. I took a family vase, smashing him with it, killing him. Even as young as I was, I can still recall the details. They didn't think that I had killed him, though. They assumed that my father had done the deed in self defense, and I let them believe that. But from then on, I was placed into therapy, as if it would unwind the trauma that I had experienced. I hate that it controls my life now, I hate it!" Chiharu cries out, not sure that she could hold onto her emotions any longer.

She pauses to catch her breath.

"I-I'm sorry for killing the mood with my stupid story," she tries to laugh. "We were suppose to practice, but that didn't happen, did it?"

He takes a second to think up what to say. "It's not stupid, but you're not hopeless. You're clever enough to get through your problem. It's too late for me, but you can still make a difference and do something about it. Just don't give up on me, rookie."

"Right. I won't," she nods.

He gives a hint of a grin. "I may be wrong, but I believe we still have some time before our lesson is over. Care to get back at it?"

Chiharu nods, unable to help the smile that wormed its way past her tear-stained cheeks. "Yes, sir."

"Good," Kogami nods, this time the hinted smile being more apparent.

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