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"Alright, Inspector. What did you want to see me for," Kogami asks, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and setting them down on a ratty, blue sofa.

"Well... you had said that you couldn't dance. I thought that I'd show you," Chiharu admits sheepishly.

"You aren't serious," Kogami jokes, a small, but noticeable smile on his face. "Ever taught a dog how to dance?"

Chiharu shakes her head and grins. "No, but I'm about to."

He sighs, knowing that it would be vital to blend in with the rest of the party goers.

"Alright. First thing, let's cover the stance. This hand," she says, grasping his hands and placing them where they belong. "Will go here, and this hand will go on my waist."

"Like this?" He questions, checking if he is doing it correctly.

Chiharu nods, but then laughs. "Yes, but you don't have to stand so far away. I promise I don't bite."

He takes a half-step closer.

"Now you'll step back with your right foot as I step forward with my left," she says, them nothing doing so. "Then the the foot moves. Now we step to the side, and back, and return to the spot where we started."

"So it makes... a square?" Kogami asks.

Chiharu nods. "That's the basic steps."

Together they worked ironing out the steps and then trying the twirl. Kogami caught on quickly, and was an exceptional partner. After enough practice, they called for a break.

"You're better at dancing than you thought," Chiharu says, nicely. "You picked up on the Waltz really fast."

"It's only because I had a good teacher."

Kogami opens up a mini fridge and takes out two bottles of water, tossing one at Chiharu. They both crack open the lids of the bottles. Chiharu plops down on the couch, letting her feet catch a break.

"Where'd you learn to dance like that?" Kogami asks, striking up a conversation.

Chiharu soaks in the question. "My mother was a dancer, and, well... I was always fascinated by the way people can move."

"I can tell you love it," he says, lighting a cigarette.

"Actually... this was the first time that I had danced in a long time. After the incident... I just stopped," she looks down at her feet, wringing her hands. "Dancing with you was really fun, Kogami. Thank you for letting me teach you."

He grins, relaxing back on the couch, "I should be thanking you for the lesson."

Chiharu leans over and gives him a sideways hug, her face burying in his shoulder. The smell of his cologne was strong. Realizing how awkward she must have been, giving him a hug out of nowhere, she quickly feels back.

"Sorry," her voice is soft and almost inaudible.

"Don't worry about it," he grins.

His arm, which had been draped over the couch, pulls her in closer, giving her a small squeeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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