Welcome, Inspector.

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(I apologize if any of this seems confusing. I removed the last chapter because I couldn't think of a way to keep it going, so I'm going to go a different route. Also, I just read all of what I wrote previously and realize how bad my grammar was. Sorry~)
---This may get a tad gorey, so if you aren't into that then skip this chapter---

"Inspector, you take the west stair well and I'll take the east. Lets find this guy and take him down," Kogami suggests.

Chiharu nods.

The building that the criminal was in was an older building which had once been a food processing plant but now had been left to rot. Dust and shards of broken glass along the floor were going to make it difficult to be stealthy. Luckily, Chiharu was worried more about speed than she was stealth. She tops the staircase and immediately makes her way down a long corridor. A bright light emits from one of the rooms at the end. She makes her way to the door frame, counts to three, and jumps out with her dominator raised. Inside the room were monitors, each running with a blue hue on them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Chiharu mutters.

"Welcome, Inspector," a sinister voice sounds from behind her.

The door she had entered shuts. A silhouette of a man wearing a mask could be seen through the faint light of the monitors. Chiharu freezes with fear, struggling to raise her Dominator.

She pulls the trigger, but nothing happened. The small voice of the SYBIL system wouldn't activate, wouldn't tell her the man's crime coefficient. Her Dominator was useless.

"You won't be using that," the man says, smacking her Dominator away from her quivering hands. "There are blockers within this room to prevent any sort of outside connection to get in and any sort of inside connection to get out. You're my puppet now, Inspector."

The man makes a move towards her. She tries to deflect it, recalling what she had learned, but the man was too strong. He out muscled her, pinning her against a wall. He retrieves his knife and slashes at her, creating a gash in her arm.

Desperate, she cries out. "Kogami!"

The man leans in close to her ear, whispering. "Your friend, Shinya Kogami, is it? He can't hear you. He's busy with his own worries downstairs. You see, I've managed to reprogram the processing bots to have quite the mind of their own... oh, but don't worry. He'll live, at least a little, just enough for Makishima to kill him himself."

She squirts, trying to get a hold on the man, to do anything to get him off of her.

"But you? You're all mine to kill however I please. I think I'll take my time with you, Inspector Chiharu Fujimoto," he whispers with silent chuckles that sent chills down her spine.

His blade penetrates her abdomen, just barely missing any of her vital organs. The knife leaves her body, blood spilling amongst them. The man tosses her to the ground, stomping on her face, grinding it into the floor. She searches the pitch black floor for something, anything that could save her. The only thing she could see was her Dominator just inches away from her fingertips. She reaches for it.

He leans in again, to her ear, whispering. "Oh, the wonderful things Makishima would love to do to your friend Enforcer Kogami. Why, the thought of him dying excites me."

The man grabs her by the collar and slams her against the wall, her spine feeling the force of the impact.

"Come on, fight back why don't cha?" He grins.

She does so, using the hilt of her Dominator to bust him in the face. He stumbles back, clutching his nose, grinning ever so maliciously. Running at him, she plants the Dominator's hilt in his face once more. Kicking him to the ground, she glares at him through the darkness and faint light.

"Game Over," she sputters, blood filling her mouth.

She grins her high-heel into his neck, penetrating through. He chokes amongst his own blood as she takes her foot out of his throat and leaves the room.

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