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Back at the office, Chiharu begins to look over the evidence. The weapons still trying to give her a message that she couldn't receive. But, as if two wires touched and made a spark, she remembers. She quickly turns to the closest person, overcome by her recent discovery.

"That's it!" She says ecstatically.

"Investigator? Thought of something?" Kogami questions, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Take a look at this," she says, her fingers frantically taping at her keypad.

The image of a knife, much like the first that they had found, is pulled up onto her computer.

"These are special collector's knives. Only a few were sold. My father tried to order a set for himself but they were already sold out," Chiharu explains.

Kogami nods. "I see."

Ginoza takes a peek at her screen. "I'll search for a list of people who bought the knives."

He pulls up a list of all of the people who had bought the collector sets.

"Now limit the search to people who live in the same districts as the murders," Kogami adds.

Chiharu assesses the individuals on the screen. "The hue for this one became cloudy... And shortly before the first murder."

"That's our target," Kogami concludes.

"Now hold on. You can't just arrest him. We don't have enough evidence," Ginoza argues.

"Not enough evidence? What about this isn't evidence?" Kogami shouts, his words like the growling of a feral wolf.

"We should wait for the lab to come back with the DNA sample. Once we know for certain, then we can take this guy down," Ginoza protests.

"So we're just going to sit and wait for this guy to kill another innocent person? All because you won't admit that this guy is our target?" Kogami slams his hand on the table, desperate to get his point across.

Ginoza's face scrunches and anger overflows from him. "I don't have time for your gut-feelings. I can't risk my career on it."

"I will," Chiharu speaks up.

Gionza looks down at her with bewildered expression. "I know this is your first day. I'll advise you not to do anything stupid."

"Sir, with all due respect, I made the same conclusion that Enforcer Kogami has

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"Sir, with all due respect, I made the same conclusion that Enforcer Kogami has. Let me go. I will keep an eye on him. If this is our guy, then we can't allow him to harm anyone else," Chiharu protests.

Ginoza gives a frustrated sigh. "Are you willing to put everything on the line for a criminal's gut-feeling?"

"If he's going to kill again, we don't have time to waste waiting for the sample. If anything goes wrong, I'll take full responsibility."

It was clear that Ginoza didn't like the idea, but somehow Chiharu knew that he wasn't heartless enough to allow the chance of someone else dying.

"Go," he leans in closer. "Don't let him out of your sight."

"Yes, sir," she nods.

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