Nails Done 💅

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【🐞 Marinette Dupai-Cheng 🐞】

It's been a few months already since Chat started visiting me secretly at night. We would spend countless hours talking about all sorts of things, including real life drama and our love life. Him about Ladybug, which he still didn't know it was me, and I about Adrien, which for some reason made him really happy.

Today was a Saturday and all of my homework had been done. So I sat in my bed reading magazines and staring- LOOKING I mean... at Adrien's latest photoshoot as Tikki ate a cookie. Then I heard a knock that mean only one thing. Chat was visiting early.

After Tikki hid, I let him in. He took a bow as he kissed my hand. That was his normal way of greeting. "Princess, fancy seeing you in such a lovely day." He grined and I giggled.

"Fancy seeing you today as well." I said playing along. I was currently wearing a red tank top and some pijama shorts. Chat was my best guy friend so it didn't really matter to me how I looked when he was here.

"What have you been up too?" He said as he glazed around, and found the magazine I was reading. "Is this the magazine where they feature Adrien Agreste's shoot?" He said after giving me a knowing look. I blushed as I snatched the magazine out of his grasp.

"And how do you know that?" He tensed as I gave him a suspicious look. Chuckling he dismissed it saying he saw some girls fangirling over it earlier.

"But they obviously forgot about him after they saw their favorite cat in leather suit!" He baragged and winked. I didn't believe his little story one bit. Just let him enjoy himself.

"Right." I said as I tucked the magazine away from his view. "I'm actually glad you came. There's a special job waiting for you!" That managed to make him smile and jump like an exited kid.

"Oh! Do tell! I've been waiting for my princess to ask for help long enough. Obviously, the prince shall help you." With that said, he moved close to me and grabbed my waist and gave me a flirtatious look. Pushing him away, I walked to my desktop where I had all my nail polish.

"I was hoping you would paint my nails." I gave him the best innocent pout I could master. It seemed to have worked because he just huffed and extended his arm so I could hand him the polish. "Thanks! You're the best!" And so I leaned in a pressed a kiss on his cheek.

I could see the faint blush in his cheeks and his eyes widen before he smiled. "Always at service!"

Giggling I took another magazine I had nearby. He walked to my love seat and sat down waiting for me. To his suprise, I took the liberty to throw myself into his lap and use it as a pillow. "You really are enjoying yourself, aren't you?" I nodded exitedly. "Just so you know, I'm no nail artist, and you're nails might turn into a disaster."

"What's the worst that could happen? Have you ever tried doing nails before?" He shook his head no. "Then you can ruin my toe nails then." I laughed and lifted my leg so my toes where facing him.

"Princess, have I ever told you that you're the weirdest." He laughed and I shrugged. "Well here goes everything." And so he started doing his job. I'm really thankful to have him, honestly. I could never ask for a better best guy friend!

To be continued...

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