Gamer Girl

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【🐞 Marinette Dupai-Cheng 🐞】

Chat Noir and I have spent literally the entire evening playing video games of all kinds. And of course, I beat him in everything! As you can tell, video games are my thing.

"Gah! You won again! Princess, when will you let me beat you? Don't you have a bit of compasion for this poor kitten?" He pouted my way. Although it was tempting, I didn't fall for it anyways.

"Sorry! No can do. I must keep my title of best gamer in the whole world!" I finished with a evil laugh. Eventually it turned into a normal laugh one that erased Chat's frown and made him join in the laughter.

"I heard there where making a videogame sale this Friday. I think we should go." My eyes widened at the news. I thought that was an amazing idea. Sale meant they would lower the prize, and just maybe I'll be able to get the latest version of Ultimate Mecha Strike! And Chat seemed to read my mind. "Well I guess that's a yes. See you Friday, Princess."

"Hold on!" I grabbed his wrist to stop him. "How will you get away with blending in with a cat suit." It truly concerned me. Fangirls would be all over the place.

"Not to worry. I'll just go in civilian form." My face twisted in a look that screamed horror. When he saw it he let out a chuckle. "Do not fear! I'll grab something and then I'll wait for you in cat suit a little further away." He somehow belived all this idea was a piece of cake. And I still didn't calm down over the fact that his unmasked face would be out in the open, and maybe I'll get to see it.

"Well see ya!" He kissed my hand and left withouth another single word. Would I be able to get sleep tonight? No. I would definitely not.


The video game store was crowded, filled with hundreds of people trying to find their favorite game in a lower price. Me being included, and possibly an unmasked Chat Noir. To say the least, my heart was pounding out of my ribcage and my nerves where on high-end. That didn't stop me from continuing my quest to find the videogame I desired. That's when my ears perked at a nearby conversation.

"Of course you wouldn't understand." A boy with dark locks and a tall skinny frame stated. "Only fake gamer girls like Ultimate Mecha Strike." What did he say? "Since it's the most common game, that's all they know about." And that's it. My nostrils flared with anger. Who did that guy think he was?

"I do believe you are very wrong." I finally decided to join the conversation. "For your information, a girl liking Ultimate Mecha Strike doesn't make her a fake gamer girl! Even if it's a well known game, it definitely isn't as easy to play! You're required to have talent in the videogame department! So I suggest you stop being a jerk about it, and saying things that make cero sense!"

"I would see why you would defend yourself. You are probably also one of those fake gamer girls." He mumbled. Say what? This guy had no idea with who he was dealing.

When my hands where nearly close to his throat, I felt a strong pair of arms lift me, and hold me back. "Say that to my face yah limp noddle!"

"Oh my God Marinette, shut up!" The voice came from the man who was holding me. And it was now crystal clear it was Chat. A very embarrassed one may I say.

"But didn't you hear him? He's practically insulted the whole videogame community!" He ignored me and apologized to the jerk, before taking off to another direction.

Once we landed, to where I believe it's the park, he finally let me get out of his grasp. "Why did you pull me away! I was about to teach him a lesson."

"Violence it's not a good way to give a lesson!" He growled. Clearly he had enough of my ranting. And I had to admit I was really being insensitive. When I looked up to meet his gaze, he was flustered.

"Huh? Why are you blushing after yelling at me?" And then I realized why. I obviously caused a scene, and I must have embarrassed him. "Oh. Chat, I'm so sorry for causing a scene!"

He shook his head. "It's okay. But seriously, you have to control those anger issues. I understand you felt insulted, but that's no excuse." He was right. And I was ashamed. Then I remembered.

"I left! I left and I didn't get to buy the game!" I was devastated. That game was precious, and I had lost the chance to buy it. Until a, once again, blushing Chat, pulled out a box behind his back.

"Suprise..." on his hold was the game I was looking for. He had bought the game, and he was now handing it to me. I gasped.

"You shouldn't have! I'll return you the money." I started looking through my pocket when his hand stopped me. Then he gave me a charming smile.

"You don't have to. I wanted to give you a gift for... for being my friend." At that statement, I couldn't stop the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. This guy was seriously too much, too adorable. And to express my gratitude, I gave him a bone crushing hug. I was so grateful.

I could feel his arms circle around me, returning the gesture, and his head burying on the crook of my neck. His blonde locks tickling as I whispered a 'Thank you.' And I felt the quick beating of his heart. Which for a reason, it also made mine fluter.

"No. Thank you, Princess." His hot breath sending a shiver down my spine. "But I'll beat you at Mecha Strike, gamer girl." I gasped and gave him the best 'game on' face I could muster.

"Way to ruin the mood, but you are going down!"

To be continued...

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