Dream Kiss 😍

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【🐱Adrien Agreste🐱】

I was lazily sprawled in my bed thinking about the past few months. My life has taken such a drastic change since I got my miraculous. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, it was actually great! I've met so many people, finally went to public school, made a best friend. I finally had real classmates and on top of that, I got superhero powers and met my Lady.

She was my first true love. Brave, strong, intelligent, beautiful and let's not forget feisty. Something about her catched me that one day when she faced Hawkmoth for the first time. Since then I've tried my best to win her heart, but I've failed so miserably.

I stand up from my bed and walk to the bathroom to see the reflection in my mirror. My blond hair was perfectly placed and my green eyes stared back at me. As Chat Noir, my hair would be messier, wilder. It makes me feel more at ease. I feel more like myself. As Adrien I might look like I was perfect, and had everything I could ever ask for, but the one thing I truly wanted, was love.

I decide to stop my train of thoughts, and change into my pijamas. I was late and I needed to sleep. Once in my bed, Plagg lays beside my head as I close my eyes. Before I fall asleep, an image of a girl with bluebell eyes and dark blue hair pops into my head. Only this one didn't have a spotted red mask.


Marinette was nervous. I could tell. She was bitting her nails as her eyes roamed around the room. She had told me yesterday about the design competition she had today, so I decided to vist her in my civilian self, and make sure she was fine.

"Gosh, what am I going to do. Everyone's dresses are so elegant and beautiful. I could never manage dresses like that." She sulked. That made my heart sink.

How could she posibly think her dresses aren't worthy? Her work is well done and creative. She did have wonderful dresses with great designs. And I should know. After all, my dad is a designer and I'm a model.

"Don't worry, Mari. It'll all be good." I said as I finally approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She stiffened a mumbled something under her breath. I wanted to tell her many other things, but I couldn't seem to say them as Adrien. Maybe Chat Noir could tell her.

"Plagg, claws out!" I transforemed after hiding in a unoccupied changing room. People passed by one by one, as I waited for Marinette. I was starting to grow impatient until I saw her approach the door.

"Okay, thanks for telling me-!" Her words where cut short as I pulled inside the room. She was startled and when she finally saw it was me she let go a sigh. "What are you doing? Stop scaring me like that!" She tried to frown, but the corner of her lips turning upwards, betrayed her.

"Now, now princess. I just wanted to give you support." I gave her one of my trademark smirks. She rolled her eyes. I couldn't help thinking she looked adorable doing that gesture. And my heart decided to start hammering against my chest.

"You're not supposed to be here. What if someone sees you?" She gave me a playful smile, and flicked the bell on my neck. My cheeks decided to color. As in on cue, a few steps where heard down the hall.

"You are very right. But before I go I want to tell you something." She waited for my next words and I took a heavy breath. "I hope you know you are the most talented woman I've ever met. You're designs are beautiful and out of this world, just like you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, or I might have to deliver them a punch." She chuckled at that, and gave me a warm smile.

"You're going to go out there, and beat every single designer out there for me. Yes?" She slowly nodded with growing confidence. The footsteps where closer.

"Well, this cat has to split. See ya, princess." I was about to climb over the bent, but she stopped me.

"Chat, wait!" When I look back at her, her head hanged low as red tinted her cheeks. "I-I... Thank you..." and she looked up, and I was taken a back by those piercing bluebell eyes. "I really needed that." And I was gone. My mind flew out the window. All my systems seemed to shut down as I stared at her eyes. Then I did the most crazy thing by looking down at her lips.

What was this feeling? And why was she leaning close? Why was I leaning close? Her breath shortly started to fan my face as she was only inches apart, and then-

"Adrien, wake up!"

"Huh?" I sat up on my bed startled. "W-what happened?" I looked around my room to find Plagg glaring at me.

"Sorry for bursting you out from your pervert dreams, but your stupid clock has been beeping for minutes now! It's starting to get annoying." He rolled his eyes, and pointed at the clock. It read 7:45.

"I'm gonna be late for school!" I stood up and got ready as fast as possible. "Wait. Did you say pervert dreams?"

"You were smiling while chanting 'Marinette, Marinette'." That morning I entered the classroom with a red face, and unable to look to Marinette's way.

To be continued...

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