Can I Get A Kiss?

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【🐞Marinette Dupai-Cheng🐞】

I was running as fast as my feet could take me. There was a akuma behind me, and I wasn't planning to say hello. It all happened when a enthusiastic Chloe decided to make fun of one of the dresses a student had made in home economics class. She even said that my dress was ten times better than her's. And for Chloe to compliment me like that, she must have really taken it as an insult.

Now the girl was akumatized, and wanted to get rid of me and Chloe. Seriously, why can't that air-headed barbie shut her mouth? She caused more akumas than any other human in this planet! Life could be a lot of easier if she was opposite to what she is. I had my suspicions that maybe she helped Hawkmoth... Yeah right. Not even him would be able to stand her antics.

A green long scarf, curtesy of the new villan's superpowers, almost grabbed me. I managed to jump away at the right second, but on the contray my foot landing wasn't perfect. Thank you clumsiness. It caused me to trip and roll till my body hit some wall. I felt all the air leave my lungs and my head started to hurt. "Marinette!" I heard someone shout.

I saw the akuma attack once more before a strong pair of arms took hold on me carrying me away from the hit.

"Mari? Mari, are you okay?" I opened my eyes, and they connected with emerald cat like eyes. Chat had saved me! And he was taking a hold of my cheeks with a worried expression crossing his face. A blush made a way to my cheeks at his close proximity. What was going on?

"Thank goodness! You scared me. Does something hurt?" Chat's gloved hands massaged my head in a soothing matter. It felt really relaxing. I smiled at him and shook my head no. Even though I lied a little.

He let a sigh of relief and smiled back. "I'm glad. This cat has to get rid of an akuma, so he has to flee. I'll check on you later, princess." He made his two finger salute before heading off to battle. I stood still for a few seconds, till I realized I had to fight also.

"Spots on!"


We've been fighting the akuma for an hour. It's been a particularly strong one, and the fight has been draining. We've lost sight of it a few times so I hadn't got the chance to use my lucky charm yet. Neither did Chat with his Cataclysm. But that was about to change.

"Lucky Charm!" In my hands landed a bottle of milk. "What am I gonna do with this?"

"M'lady, I believe you should find out soon enough, before the akuma gets to us." But that was said to soon. My eyes widened at the sight of a truck flying to Chat's way. In a blink Chat had roll out of the way, landed behind the akuma and used his Cataclysm to touch her weapon scarf and turn it into ashes.

"LB now's your chance!" I snapped out of my revire, and managed to throw the bottle milk, making the villan trip. The bottle flew up and opened making the milk pour over the villan.

"Gah!" I neared her and ripped the jacked she had on that contained the akuma. Once cleansed and saying a few words of encouragement to my classmate I turned to look at Chat. He was smiling ear to ear and raised his fist for our usual 'Pound it' after a battle. I only stared at him.

He seemed to notice my hesitation and his brows frowned. "Is there something wrong?" My eyes teared up and I hugged him. I hugged him so tight afraid that if I let go he'd disappear. "M-M'Lady?" Crimson ran across his cheeks.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again! That was a reckless move!" A sob escaped my lips and I continued crying. I was shocked. The thought of him being squashed by a truck was terrifying!

After a few seconds I felt his arms circle against my waist to return the hug. "Please forgive me. I shall not scare you like that ever again." He then finished with a kiss on my forehead. I only managed to nod as I hid my face on his chest, afraid he might see the blush that threatened to appear.

Beep. Beep.

The sound of our miraculous running out of energy made me pull away. I gave him one last smile before waving goodbye and swinging my yo-yo to head back home.


Half an hour later I heard a tap on my trapdoor. Knowing it was Chat, I walked over and let him in. "Princess, I came back as I promised." He hugged me much as he did so earlier. "I was worried. Do you have any injuries?"

Was he really worried for me? Did he thought of me all the time we were fighting the akuma? Even though he was next to Ladybug, he remembered me. It made me happy to know that he actually cared.

"Well I did hurt my head a bit..." He quickly grabbed my head and started looking for the injury. I felt him touch the bumb in my head and I flinched. "Oh! I'm sorry! Let me get an ice-pack or something."

I laughed and grabbed his hand. "Chat, stop. I'm going to be fine. Just a small bump." He didn't look convinced. "I promise I'll place ice later." He seemed to think about it and agreed.

The superhero took my hand and kissed it looking at me playfully. I responded with a laugh and pushed him away. "Thanks for saving me, but you should really get going." After all it was getting late and tomorrow was a school day.

"Can I at least get a kiss first, princess?" He winked at me and I blushed. What was with me today?

"Maybe next time, kitty." I should have really said no. He still nodded and a cheshire grin broke into his face.

"Next time you say?" My eyes widen. Oh no...

To be continued...

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