Notice Me Pt.2

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I disappeared :D I'm sorry :"D T.T

Marinette Dupai-Cheng

This is it. It's been another full week since Chat and I begun talking again, and even though our relationship is fairly back to normal, I am nothing near content.

"Hello? Earth to Marinette?" I snap back into reality to find Alya waving her hand in front of my face. I probably disassociated at some point during the lesson. "Girl. You really left me there." I groaned and layed my head on the desk. "Is it about internet boy?" I slowly raise my head and nod yes. Alya only gave me an apolletic look and patted my back.

I've come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate having to pretend that I don't like Chat. I dislike the fact that I still don't know what he was going to tell me last time. There's no way this can continue on, but the courage to bring out the topic again has absolutely disappeared. The fear of going back to days of him avoiding me is the main reason why I lost that courage.

"C'mon, Mari. Class is over." Alya gave me a gentle push so I would stand up. Grabbing my things, I stood up and began to head over my locker. Well, that was the plan until I crashed into someone's back. Adrien's back.

"Oh, Marinette! Are you okay?" He said as he began looking for any injuries. He gave a satisfied smile when he found none. To be honest, I've been so focused on Chat the past few weeks that I kind of forgot about Adrien. Never knew that would happen. That didn't stop my heart from flipping in my chest though.

"O-oh, hey Adrien! Sorry about that." I gave him a cheepish smile.

"That's okay, Marinette. I'm glad you're not hurt." He scratched the back of his head drifting his eyes to the side, and was that a blush? I think my eyes are starting to play tricks on me. "Well I need to go to my fencing lesson. See you around!" He swiftly turned around and left.

That was weird.

"Ugh. How come you're impossible to beat?" Chat dropped the controler he was holding in frustration. A small pout on his lips. I giggled. There's no way he can beat me at video games. Patting his back, I stood up and turned off the video game.

"Well, what can I say. I'm one of a kind." I winked. His expression changed to a serious one. Not going to lie. The stare gave me chills. "What?" I asked hesitantly.

"Marinette, you're..." he sighed as a hand brushed his hair back. Bright green gaze drifting to the ground. The following words he said barely above a whisper. "You are really one of a kind." My breath hitched.


Chat suddenly stood up, the movement so sudden the chair he was on fell off. His eyes widened and as he scrambled to get everything back together. Meanwhile my chest felt tight, as if a heavy weight was placed over my heart. My stomach churned in discomfort and before I knew it my hand was wrapping it self around Chat's wrist. He froze, slowly turning around to meet my gaze. The air became hot and cold and the silence deafening. Blue and green met eachother, neither of our eyes daring to look away. Words threatened at the tip of my tongue.

I know it's now or never. Just do it Marinette.

"Chat, I- we need to talk," i choked out. His brows frowned and he snuck a quick glimpse of the trap door. My hand grasped his wrist tighter. "Please, don't go," my eyes pleaded for him not to go and he seemed to deflate. It's now or never.

"Marinette, I don't think we should do this. It's- wrong. I-I can't-" he stumbled as he let me pull him closer to where I stood. The heat radiating from his body that usually calmed me felt suffocating. But I need him close.

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