Rainy Day ⛈

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Chapter dedicated to celebrate 1 Year of Miraculous! Hope you enjoy! Your few comments and votes make my day and you deserve more MariChat fluff. Love you guys. *blows kiss*

【🐞Marinette Dupai-Cheng🐞】

Today was a stressful day at school. I was beyond tired and I was glad it was Friday. It was not just any normal Friday. Outside was raining, and it seemed like it was a thunderstorm. I got a little wet on my walk back home since I didn't bring an umbrella. As soon as I entered the front door my mother was wraping me up with a towel and sent me to take a bath, which I gladly took.

Once out, I put on some conffy long pijamas, and maman brought me some hot chocolate. I was completely comfortable now after covering myself in blankets and appreciated the view of the rain out my window. Then something I didn't expect happened.

"Ahh!" I almost dropped my chocolate as I jumped at the siluette that popped into my window. There was the one and only Chat Noir drenched. I quickly stood up and opened the window so he could come in.

"Gosh, Chat! You scared me. Stay here. I'll get you a towel so you can dry yourself." He half smiled before I took off to get him a towel. What brought him here on such a rainy day? He could get sick.

After getting a towel, he started drying himself and I finally had a chance to ask him why was he here. "Can't a kitten visit his princess on a rainy day?" I gave him a pointed look. He laughed and then sighed. "I'm sorry, I just... wanted to see you. That's all."

"But couldn't that wait? You were drenched and it's cold outside. I don't want Paris's superhero getting sick just because he wanted to visit me." My fists made their way to my hips as I scolded him.

"Paris still has Ladybug."

"But Ladybug needs you. She can't do everything on her own. Without your help many things could go wrong." I couldn't belive him. He was being insensitive.

He chuckled. "I guess you're right." Then he sniffed, and tear ran down his cheek. I stiffened. Why was he crying? It made my heart break into tiny little pieces, and I didn't like it one bit.

"Chat... What's wrong?" I neared him and gave him a tight hug and he responded and started sobbing. I've never seen him like this, and it was worrying me to death. "What's going on, Chaton?"

Once he managed to compose himself a bit, he spoke. "I'm sorry, princess. I didn't think I would cry." He wiped another tear. My heart clenched. My hands grabbed his cheeks and made him look into my eyes. I wanted to know what was wrong. What or who made him like this.

"Tell me. What happened?" I gave him my most sincere look. He needed to know he could trust me, and he needed to understand that I was there for him. For once, I wanted to see him make a stupid pun. I needed to see him smile, and be playful.

"M-my dad." He started. "He's not one of the best ones out there. I still love him, but it's hard. I know he cares for me, but I don't feel like he does it the right way. I miss the days when my mother was still with us, and us three where so close. But then, on a rainy day like this she disappeared. It hasn't been the same since then. My father has become so distant. I just thought that maybe it was a good idea to come visit you. I'm sorry."

I stopped his words by giving him another bone-crushing hug. He was hurt by family problems, and he trusted me with his feelings. That made me so happy.

I wiped the last of his tears and smiled wide at him. "You made the right decision. I'm always here for you, Chaton. Don't dubt that." I guess my words made him feel better because his lips broke into a loving smile.

"Marinette, you're the best." I smiled and turned to get my hot chocolate. Then I pulled him beside my love seat. I could see the the confusion written on his face. I continued taking the blankets I had earlier and threw myself on the love seat with the hot chocolate in hand. I patted my lap hoping he'd get the message.

He eyed me until the screws finally seemed to turn in his head and he smiled. "If you continue doing this I might have to kiss you, princess." At the mention of that, my cheeks flamed.

"S-stop talking nonsense, and get here before I regret my decision." I stuttered and looked away. Why must he always be so flirty!

He slowly craweld to my lap and placed his head on my chest. He circled his arms on my waist and breathed a sigh. "Thank you." I smiled and petted his head before he started purring.

"I'll be here for you always, Chaton."

To be continued...

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