Study Time

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【🐞Marinette Dupai-Cheng🐞】

My bag was hanging on my shoulder as I walked back home from school. Today classes where either boring or too stressful. To say the least, I was exhausted, and my bed was awaiting me. Yet I couldn't go to sleep until I finished all my homework. Hopefully there will be no drama in the city that needs Ladybug.

Finally arriving at home, the scent of fresh baked cookies entered my nostrils. "Wow mom! What are you baking?" I neared the kitchen to find her decorating them. When she saw me, she smiled and motioned for me to go near her. I did so and kissed her cheek as a greeting.

"I'm glad you're here, sweetie. Tell me what you think about this new cookies and recepie." I gladly took one of them from the tray, and took a bite. A sound of pleasure was made in the back of my throat. These cookies were delicious!

"Mom, I love them! Definitely one of your best works yet." She thanked me, proceeding with her work promising me she'll start selling them tomorrow morning. I took it as a cue to leave, and head upstairs.

Grabing a pencil, papers and a book, my study section began. Math homework was done, already bought the new materials for a soon to be made project, and all that was left was to study for my next test on Friday. So I took the book, sat in my bed and started reading, taking notes here and there. That's when I felt something, or rather someone, land in my lap and circle their hands, or claws, around my waist.

Lifting my book, my eyes met a smiling Chat Noir with an innocent look. My expression was the complete opposite. Obviously I can not concentrate with him here. "Chat, get out of my room. I have homework." I said as I gave him my most annoyed look.

"But Princess, it can wait." And he purred. He purred!

"You're being annoying. Go away you stray cat!" I tried pushing him away, which I failed at. The guy was heavier than I thought. "Seriously, for a skinny guy I didn't expect you to be so heavy." I grumbled.

"Meowtch! You wound me, Princess. Three blows in less than a minute. It must be a new record." He grinned.

"Whatever. Can you please let me study?"

"I can help you finish it earlier." I stared at him in disbelief. Did he really want to help me? Does he even know about chemistry? Not that I think he's dumb or anything of the sorth. "Don't give me that look. I really want to help you. What class is it?"

"Chemistry..." I replied still unsure if this was a good idea. To my suprise he was good at the subject, and to my suprise he made a pun about us having chemistry. Well actually. That doesn't surprise me.

Few hours passed, and I was even sleeper than earlier. Study sections take a lot more energy that anything. Gladly I felt like I actually learned something. Chat was a great teacher. He should consider it for the future.

"Princess," he yawed. "I think we studied enough today." I was so sleepy that I couldn't even answer properly. Nodding was the only response. "Is really dark out." He dragged his words sleepily. I only managed to give him another nod as my eyes closed.

I felt him move a little, and place a hand around my waist. Too sleepy to protest, we managed to both fall asleep ignoring the fact that Chat wasn't supposed to be here at the moment. To say the least, when I opened my eyes the next morning, I barely managed to muffle a scream as I pushed an un transformed cat out of my room. He was lucky I was facing the opposite way, or I would've definitely found out who he was.

Thank you homework, you made this morning one of the worst.

To be continued...

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