Bad Kitty 😾

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【🐞Marinette Dupai-Cheng🐞】

I've had enough. Chat Noir has been going nuts the entire week! Everywhere I go he has to play a prank on me! It all started since April 1 when I naturally pulled my own April fools prank on him. Since then, he swore he would take revenge, but it has gotten too far for my liking.

On Monday he gave me the scare of the year. I was calmly walking down the road back home when I heard some shuffling on a nearby dumpster. It was dark so I decided not to check. Steps soon followed behind, and panick started to bubble up in my system. For a few seconds I felt like my life was going to end, and then BAM!

"Mmph!" Tears started to prickle in the corner of my eyes as a clawed hand covered my mouth from behind. Then they let go, and a familiar laughter filled my ears. "Chat! You dumb cat! You almost scared me to death!" Huffing, I crossed my arms a threw a glare at him. It made him laugh louder.

To say the least, a few more scary pranks where involved around the week. Saying I was annoyed was the understatement of the year. Someone please give an award to Chat Noir with the words 'World's Most Annoying Cat' imprinted on it.

I tapped my mouth with my drawing pencil as I tried thinking of a plan to get back at him. Letting out a groan of fustration, I dropped the pen. "This is imposible! Clearly he's better than me on this prank thing."

"Aww! You flatter me, princess!" I jumped out of my seat, and turned around to watch Chat grinning at me. I glared.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you today. So please take your leave." To make a point, I pointed my finger at my trap door, the exit.

"You wound me!" He placed a hand to is chest in mock hurt. "Can't I visit my best friend on a lovely day?" He only managed to get a scowl. He clearly knew why I was mad with him. I was suprised I still haven't thrown any punches.

"You know very well your 'best friend' is not very happy with you. So get out before this princess gets some claws on her own, and reaches your face!" He flinched at the last words, then pouted.

"I'm sorry, purrinces. I didn't know you where going to get this mad at me." Hurt flashed his eyes. His apology did look genuine. But I wasn't buying it.

I pointed once again to the trap door with a bored expression on my face. "Out." He whimpered, and slowly started walking to the exit, but then he stopped. I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"You know, Mari? I'm gonna get you to forgive me with one simple solution." He turned around with a massive cheshire grin covering his face. I panicked.

"W-what do y-you mean?" He slowly took a stride across the room my way. "Chat?" He kept getting closer, and I did the first thing that crossed my mind. I grabbed a water spray bottle from where my hair things where placed, and sprayed it at his face. "Bad kitty!"

He stood shocked with water dripping from hir hair. "Did... Did you just sprayed me?" I blinked. I sprayed Chat Noir with water.

I suddenly got confidence and a grin tugged at the cornner of my lips. "Yeah. I did spray you! And I will do so again if you come any closer!" He stood silently processing what I said, and my grin faltered when his came back into view. Next thing I knew I didn't have time to process him jumping at me and attacking me with tickles.

I will get back at you, bad kitten!

To be continued...

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