Author's Note

3.2K 82 13

Hey everyone! Zarcastic here with a few things to say. Sorry it's not an update. >.>

1. Thank you so much for to everyone who has added my story to their libraries, voted or commented. It really makes my day (even if they are few) and it inspires me to continue.

2. I have a friend who keeps insisting these oneshots look more like a full story, I'm not sure. And I've been wondering if I should do that. Make it a full story I mean. I'd like to know what you guys think. Should it stay as oneshots or should I continue it as a full story?

3. I got a request to make Chat and Marinette kiss. I promised I would do so if a chapter gets to 100 votes. ;) So let's see what happens. Get your friends to read the story and help with the votes!

4. If anyone has any ideas for a new chapter, you can let me know, and I'll dedicate the chapter to you if I decide to use the suggestion.

Thank you for reading! Love you guys.

Ps. The video on the top is made by me. That's my YouTube Channel. It just recently got to 100 subscribers and I'm super exited! Please join the next 100! And thank you for your support! *sends kisses*

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