Chapter 1

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5 years after the war-

Hermione POV:

"It's over Ron Weasley!" I yelled. "Stay away from me!"

"Hermione, your overreacting!" Ron yelled back. "Just relax, it's not like I did anything wrong."


"She and I are just friends, Hermione," Ron lied.

"RONALD! YOU SAID YOU LOVED HER THEN SNOGGED HER!" I yelled. "YOU CALL THAT JUST FRIENDS? WERE OVER!"And with that I stormed out the door, suitcase in hand, and apparated.

I arrived in the forest of Dean. I remember my parents took me camping here once. When I calmed my breathing I started to run up to my favorite spot. It's on a large shady hill, green grass perfectly circles a weeping willow that sets at the top. As soon as I make it up I drop my wand and suitcase and start to climb.

When I get to the top I look at the ring on my left hand and start to cry. Ron looked like he had been seeing that girl for sometime, he's been disappearing a lot over the past few weeks, I just thought he was going to visit his mum or something. I slowly slid the ring off my finger and threw it with such force I broke the tree branch I was on and I fell down the hill.

I felt something warm run down my neck and tried to yell for help but no sound escaped my lips. Next thing I know a firm hand grabs my arm and I see a flash of blond hair before my vision gets blurry and everything goes black.

Draco's POV:

"Blaise, you don't understand," I said. "I treated everyone like crap, everyone hates me now. Plus having a dark Mark kinda scares people."

"Hey man, we both know you didn't have a choice. If you were nice to Potter you would have been killed. Besides it's not like the Weasle or Mudblood even matter," Blaise replied.

"Don't call her Mudblood. Don't call anyone that, ever. Anyway, I'm going to go to the forest of Dean, want to come?" I asked. I've never showed anyone my spot before but I think Blaise might want to come with me. Plus I don't trust myself to be alone.

"Sure," he replied nervously.

We apparated to my usual spot at the bottom of the hill and see someone else my favorite tree.

I bring a finger to my lips to tell Blaise to stay quiet. I want to know who else knows about this place so I stepped slowly up the hill and hear quiet sobs. I slowly step closer and see someone I thought I'd never see again, Hermione Granger. I see her throw something and hear the branch she was on break. I quickly jump forward to try and catch her but miss.

I see her laying on the ground at the bottom of the hill and run down to her. I grab her arm as her eyes flutter closed. Blaise walks up behind me looking completely bewildered. I turn her on her side to look at the wound on her head. I quickly draw my wand and heal the gap.

"Blaise, go find her stuff and meet me back at my place," He just nods and walked to the bottom of the tree.

I carefully pick Hermione up and apparate back to my place.

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