Chapter 32

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Hermione's POV:

I woke to a terrible headache. My eyes shot open when I realized my wrists had chains around them. I looked around and registered I was in a dungeon. My eyes rested on a dark figure in the corner.

"So... the mudbloods awake?" Lucius Malfoy said walking from the shadows.

"How long exactly, have you been waiting there so you can dramatically step from the shadows?" I asked rudely.

"Not really in the position to smack talk, are you?" He smirked.

"Why, what are you-" I was cut off by extreme pain coursing through my veins.

I let out an involuntary scream and I pulled on the chains. He continued this five times then the pain finally stopped. I had trouble forcing air into my lungs but was able to stay awake.

He walked up to me and kicked my stomach. I was shocked when both my legs moved up to my chest. Lucius ignored it and punched my cheek. I spit blood on my clothes and felt a tooth chip.

I was too weak to move then my curse reacted. I felt blood run from my eyes and ears but I stayed limp.

"Now, now, you can't have you dying yet can we?" Lucius laughed.

I heard him mutter something and saw a yellow light. I screamed with what little strength I had left.

I'm gonna die... I thought. I concentrated on remembering Draco's face. I wanted him to be the last thing I saw.

Suddenly the pain stopped and I relaxed. I opened my eyes. Lucius smirked.

"You think I was going to let you off that easy? The funs only begun," he laughed.

He pointed his wand at me and continued the torture.

Draco's POV:

When Lucius apparated the spell wore off. I frantically searched my pockets. I pulled out half a coin. I had bewitched it to find the other half. I had planted the other half in Hermione's pocket earlier today.

Theo stood rooted to the spot staring at the spot they disappeared from. I ran my thumb over the coin and knew where to go. I turned to Theo.

"You going to come?" I asked.



He nodded so I grabbed his arm and apparated. We appeared in the living room of my house. Theo gave me a confused look but I ignored it and ran to the dungeons. I heard screams coming from one room so I burst through the door.

My heart dropped when I saw the sight before be. Hermione was chained to the wall, covered in blood. I ran to her broken figure and unhooked the chains. She fell forward into my arms and mumbled something into my chest.

I heard a thud and looked around to see Lucius unconscious on the ground and Theo in the doorway. I picked Hermione up bridal style and felt slightly relieved when she snuggled into my chest.

"We need to get her to St. Mungos," Theo said quickly.

I nodded and ran upstairs. We flooed to St. Mungos and Theo left to get more healers. He took Hermione from my arms and I watched him walk away.

I stood in that spot for a second before flooing back to my house.

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