Chapter 6

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Hermione's POV:

"Ready to go?" I asked. He quickly grabbed my hand and we apparated.

He took me to the Three Broomsticks. I smiled as he lead me inside.

We both ordered and we ate until the question I was dreading popped up.

"So, tell me about that curse... what happened last night?"

I stopped eating and thought about how best to explain it.

"After the war, about a week, I was alone but had plans to meet up with Ginny in ten minutes. Well I ran into some old deatheaters, there was only two so I figured I could take them... I ended up being held down by one when the other stole my wand. Then one hit me with a strange curse, the last I saw was a yellow light. I woke up in St. Mungos a week later to find I had a curse. The healers couldn't figure out what it was but we're able to find a potion that seems to help. If I don't take it every day the curse can get stronger. I mean I forgot to take it yesterday and my mouth and nose started bleeding, that was new." I quickly explained.

I looked at Draco, he looked speechless, as if he didn't know to ask me more or stay quiet.

"We'll talk more about this when we get back to the house shall we?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

He nodded and we ate the rest of our meal in silence.


"Draco can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked.

"Nope, you have to wait until we get there," he replied, popping the 'p'.

"On, but if we're going to apparate I need a warning," I said trying to keep up with him. "Can you slow down some? And don't run me into anything," I warned.

He slowed down but seemed to ignore the rest of the sentence. Without warning he scooped me into his arms bridal style and continued walking.

"Where are you-" I started to ask.

"Apparating now," he said and he turned swiftly to the side.

I quickly felt a sickening sensation I was far too familiar with before I could breath again. He carried me quite short distance before he stopped and I heard music... carnival music!

"Draco, are we at a carnival?!" I yelled excitedly.

I remember me and my parents used to come every year, we kinda made it a tradition. I haven't been to one sense I obliviated my parents.

My parents I thought sadly I couldn't bear to think about them

I felt Draco start moving until he set me down and I felt him set next to me. A bar was placed against my waist and I felt the seat move.

"Draco? Can I take the blindfold off?"

Instead of answering me he gently pulled it off my head.

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