Chapter 5

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Draco's POV:

I wake up to Hermione's door slamming and frantic footsteps. I instantly jump out of my seat and run after her.

She runs into the bathroom and throws up. I pull her hair up and gently rub her back. Once she's done she stands up and leans against the wall. Her breathing gets shallower and her knees give out. I quickly catch her and pick her up to take her to her room. I gently lay her on the bed and her nose starts to bleed.

I run in the next room expecting to see Bellatrix closing her first, instead she is fast asleep.

I run back to Hermione and her breathing was getting worse. Blood was coming from her mouth as well.

"Potion... my suitcase," she chocked.

I ran to her suitcase to find a vile of yellow potion. I go back to Hermione and pour the potion into her mouth. Her breathing starts to even out and she looks at me.

"Thank you, Draco," she whispered.

"What happened?" I asked. "What was that?"

"A curse..." she answered. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow, I'm really tired."

I nodded slowly, shocked at the news about a curse. She rolled on her side and her eyes closed. I could tell she fell asleep almost instantly. I sighed and drug my chair in her room and next next to her bed.

She looked beautiful when she slept. She looked relaxed and happy. No sign of the pain of the past few days. She was peaceful.

I quickly found myself falling asleep.


I woke once again with Hermione missing but I quickly relaxed when I heard her humming. I listened to the sound of her voice, that's when I smelt bacon. She was cooking.

I heard footsteps outside the door and quickly laid my head back down and closed my eyes.

"Draco, Draco it's time to wake up, I made breakfast," Hermione whispered shaking my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and sat up, she smiled, took my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. I looked at the table covered in food.

"Hermione, this is amazing," I mumbled. "I didn't know you could cook."

"Mom taught me," she said. "Dig in!"

It was funny that she was sloppy when she ate.

"I'm guessing you like bacon?" I laughed.

"Who doesn't?" She asked.

I shrugged and started to eat.

"This food is amazing," I said.

She just blushed.

"So I was wondering if we can go on that date tonight," I said. "And you can tell me about what happened last night."

She just nodded on account of her mouth being full of food.

Skip to the date...

"Hurry up Hermione, I'm sure you look fine. We're gonna be late!" I yelled through the bedroom door.

"Late for what?" She asked. She's been asking all day where I'm taking her.

"You'll have to wait and find out," I replied.

She walked out of the bedroom, my breathing caught in my throat. She was wearing a short dress. It had a white top and a maroon bottom.

She laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Ready to go?"

Hey guys! Let me know what you want to happen next!

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