Chapter 33

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Draco's POV:

I walked back down to the dungeons and kicked Lucius in the gut before apparating with him to the ministry. I smirked when they said he would receive the dementors kiss.

I quickly flooed back to the hospital. I sat in one of the chairs and waited.

I waited one hour when I started pacing.

I waited two more hours and I guess I fell asleep in one of the chairs. I was shook awake by Theo. I quickly sat up.

"How is she?" I asked, my voice scratchy from sleep.

"She's ok but she's unconscious. Do you want to see her?" He asked.

I jumped out of my seat and followed Theo to her room.

My heart dropped when I saw her pale, bruised face. I sat next to her and held her cold hand. She shifted but didn't wake up.

"Time will tell us if the cuts will scar or heal. We don't know when she will wake up but by the looks of her injuries it may take a few days. She has three broken ribs, a broken arm, and a cracked tooth." Theo said. "She was hit by the torture curse at least nine times."

I nodded and felt a tear escape my eye. I couldn't bare to think my father did this to her. It was my fault.

(Three days later 12:30 a.m.)

I woke up to a soft hand stroking my cheek. I kept my eyes closed for a moment before I realized anything. My eyes snapped open to see a very tired looking Hermione.

I quickly engulfed her in gentle a hug. She giggled roughly and hugged me back. I gently pulled back and kissed her.

She pulled back. "Where are we? What happened?" She asked with a scratchy voice.

I quickly summoned a glass of water and handed it to her. Her hands were shaking from the weight of the glass so I put my hands around hers. I helped her drink the water and set the glass down.

"Lucius used the torture curse on you," I paused for a moment. "Your at St. Mungos."

"Is that why Theo's in the corner?" She asked pointing at him.

I nodded and she zoned out. A tear streamed down her face.

"Hermione? You ok?" I asked softly.

She shook her head and more tears streamed down her cheeks. I sat on the bed by her and she hid her face in my neck. She started crying completely. I softly rubbed her back.

Theo sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw Hermione's awake. He stood up and was about to walk to us but I shook my head softly, trying not to disturb Hermione. He nodded and sat back down.

"Shh, it's ok now. Your safe now," I whispered.

She quickly calmed down but was still breathing heavily. Her breathing got slower until it turned into the familiar snore. I shifted so my back was too the bed and she was leaning on my shoulder.

Theo walked up slowly and grabbed her wrist. He checked her pulse and her forehead. He looked slightly worried and felt her cheeks.

"Let me know when she wakes up," he whispered.

He walked back to the chair and closed his eyes.

I rested my head on the wall and felt my eyes droop. I tried hard to stay awake but felt the darkness quickly take over.

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