Chapter 21

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Draco's POV:

"Hmm... got any firewhisky?" She asked.

I was shocked by what she just asked. Goody two shoes Hermione Granger is asking for firewhisky.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"You go get it and we can play a game," she said.

I nodded and left to get some. I came back with two bottles and sat on the couch next to Mione.

"Ok so we will take turns answering questions and we take a sip after every question," she said. "You start."

"Have you done anything more than snog a guy?"

"No, actually I haven't," she said turning red. We both took a sip and she asked, "what's the longest relationship you ever had?"

"Astoria Greengrass, two weeks."

She gave me a surprised look but took a sip anyways.

"Shouldn't we take vertrasium before we go on?" I asked.

She gave me a worried look but with flick of her wand a silver liquid appeared on the table. She reluctantly took a sip and I did the same.

"What's one thing you would never say to me?" I asked.

I could see she was trying to stop the potion but it was really strong.

"I'm a pureblood witch." She blurted.

I was completely bewildered by what she just said.

She's a pureblood... pureblood witch

The same words kept repeating in my mind. Hermione looked ready to burst into tears. I just spoiled her biggest secret.

She grabbed the firewhisky and just kept drinking it. She finished the bottle and went for mine. I pulled it away from her and she almost fell over.

"Hermione, your going to poison yourself. Your too light to have that much firewhisky."

"I.... don'... care," she mumbled and went for the bottle.

I set it out of her reach and looked at her. She already looked drunk. I sighed and picked her up.

Why did I ask such a bad question?

I didn't realize she took her wand off the table and summoned the other bottle to drink it. I looked down at her and snatched the bottle. She squirmed in my arms until I set her on the couch.

"Give... meh... the... bottle," she said reaching for the bottle.

"Sheesh Mione, relax it's not so big a deal you gotta poison yourself," I said turning around to put the firewhisky in the kitchen.

I put it in the cupboard and went back to Mione. She was laying on the couch. I sighed and took her to her room. I cleaned the bed when she was sleeping so she could sleep in it again. I lay her on the bed.

"Sleep," I said simply.

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