Chapter 29

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Hermione's POV:

Draco apparated us to the Weasley's house. He started to push me down the driveway when someone engulfed me in a hug. Ginny pulled back and smiled.

"Mione! I didn't know you were coming! I missed you so much!" She exclaimed engulfing me in another hug.

"I missed you too, Gin," I giggled.

Next thing I know I'm being hugged by Mrs. Weasley.

"Hermione, I've been so worried, my child!" She exclaimed.

"I'm fine. I missed you," I said.

She hugged me again then turned to Draco.

"Draco!" she exclaimed. She rushed and kissed both his cheeks. "Come in, come in, it's awful hot outside!" She ushered us inside.

We were greeted by the whole Weasley clan except Ronald. Draco moved me to the couch after many hugs. He sat next to me and put an arm over my shoulders.

"How have you guys been?" I asked casually.

There was a large chorus of 'fine' and 'good'.

"How have you been, Mione?" George asked.

"I've been ok..." I said softly. "I can move my toes now!" I exclaimed a little happier.

The whole group smiled until a noise came from the stairs.

"Mum, what's with all the noise," a sickeningly familiar voice asked.

He walked into the room an spotted me. I suddenly felt extremely sick. Ron was standing in the doorway staring at me.

"Hermione? What happened to you?" He asked.

"Draco, we need to go home... I haven't taken my potion," I said trying not to throw up.

Draco picked me up and apparated with my chair. As soon as we got to the house Draco set me down and I summoned a trash can before I was really sick. Draco held my hair back and when I was finished wiped off my mouth.

"Sorry," I croaked, my voice cracking slightly.

Draco summoned a glass of water and I instantly felt better.

"It's ok I understand," he said softly.

I leaned over and hugged him. Seconds later there was a load crack of someone apparating. I jumped away from Draco and looked around at who apparated.

"Hermione! Are you ok?" Ginny asked rushing over to me.

"I'm ok Gin," I said while Ginny gave me a once over.

"You're sick," she stated looking into my eyes.

"No I'm not Gin I'm fi-" I stopped when I felt something run down from my eye.

Draco ran to my room and Ginny looked terrified.

"WHY IS YOUR EYE BLEEDING!" She yelled trying to wipe the blood from my face.

"I'm... ok... Gin..." I said getting short of breath.

Draco ran back in just as I blacked out.

Ginny's POV:

Hermione passed out so I panicked. Draco ran in the room and poured the yellow potion in her mouth. Hermione's breathing got shallower and Draco started muttering healing spells. Hermione stopped breathing and I felt tears run down my face.

After like twenty seconds she took a deep breath and Draco let out a breath. Draco's face was covered in sweat as he hugged Hermione to his chest.

Hermione opened her eyes and started coughing blood. Draco held her back some and looked at me.

"There's a potion for internal bleeding on the counter," he said patting Hermione's back.

I nodded and ran to the kitchen and grabbed the vile. When I came back Draco was whispering in a Hermione's ear. I cleared my throat and handed him the potion. He made Hermione drink it and made her lie down.

"What was that? Why was she bleeding?" I asked quickly.

"The curse she has got worse," Draco said simply.

"I'm ok Gin," Hermione said trying to sit up.

Draco pushed her back down.

"You need to lay down, love," he said softly to her.

"Draco, I'm fine," she argued back trying again to sit up. She finally sat up but looked dizzy. "Ok, maybe not," she said laying back down.

"So... now you bleed from your eyes when your curse acts up?" I asked.

"Yes, and my mouth, nose, and ears," she replied closing her eyes.

She moved to her side and relaxed. She almost instantly fell asleep.

"Well I go... bye," I said and apparated.

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