Dark Heart

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Chapter 2

I looked in the mirror, double checking my outfit. I had on my favourite pair of leather legging, red stilettos, a red belly top and a lace tank top over it that fitted perfectly. I left my black hair down and straightened it. My done my eyes with black eyeliner, mascara and a light shade of black eyeshadow just swept over my eye lid to make my blue eyes stand out, a light amount of blush and red lipstick. I might kill demons but a girls got to have a life too. I have a couple of close friends who are werewolves.

They took the time to get to know me, not just my label. My own parents walked away from me. They were the perfect parents til my sixteenth birthday, like werewolves who shift at a certain age, angels get their wings at sixteenth, but we are born with our marks, so we grow up training and preparing for our roles, we each have a direct link to the Archangels, they send the messages to us telling us when demons are close to the surface and where they will be entering from so the ones that are closet go to stop them.


When the day came for my wings to come, I was so excited, my parents expected great things from me, my marks show I should be the highest ranking guardian, a warriors, my marks are extremely rare, only two other guardian have ever held them marks, the last one that had those marks was born centuries ago. But when they saw my wings that all changed. I could see shame and disguist clearly on their face. That was hardest thing I ever had to witness, my own parents disappointment in me for something I couldn't control, it destroyed me completely. My parents had to bring me to the Archangels, custom for all angels who have received their wings, so they can be introduced to the other guardians and start training. That moment changed my life, the innocent Ariel died that day, Every word they said killed her. I was humiliated in front of everyone, disowned by my parents because I was no longer aloud to fill my role, I wasnt a light angel, I was a Dark Angel, someone to be feared,I was deemed evil in one sense, unfortunately that name has stayed with me, all I am know as to the other guardians is the Dark Angel, they have never used my true name Ariel after that, I was proud of my name because it stood for protector and that is what I am. But now instead of hiding from it and been ashamed, I embraced it and made my heart as dark as my wings. I promised myself that day, that I would fulfill the duty I was born for, regardless of what they thought. They tried to cut the link but it stayed, just proving I was born for this. I trained  every day and closed off my feeling from that day on. I will never let anyone's words hurt me again or strip away the person I am. I am stronger than them inside and out.  All I was given from my family was a bank account with enough money to live on for life, payment to keep me away and not bring more shame to them. I didn't ask to be born but I fight everyday to live and prove to them and the others, I am every bit the warrior I was born to be.

I shook my head and let the memories fade, that's not my life anymore. I put on my leather jacket and grabbed my car keys as I walked out of my apartment. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited. The door opened and I pressed the button for the basement. I stepped out of the elevator and walked towards my baby, my white Audi A4 with tinted windows, and chrome finish. I opened the door and sat in, I turned the key and listened as it purred to life. I turned my speaker up and listen to Rita Ora, R.I.P. I reversed out and spun the wheels as I sped out of the garage and onto the road. I parked outside the V2 nightclub and got out. I looked at the cue and smiled when I saw who was on the door, no waiting for me. I walked across the road and saw Jack spot me and step aside to let me pass. I gave him a smile and kissed his cheek.

I walked in as the music thumped through my body. Tinie Tempah, Frisky blared out through the speakers. I walked to the bar and ordered a vodka and coke. I took my drink and walked over to the railing as I looked for my two favourite wolves. I spotted them on the dance floor surrounded by mass of women, big smiles on their faces. Liam is alpha and Jake is beta of The Lunar Pack, on of highest ranking packs in the world. I pulled back from the railing and made my way down to the dance floor. When I got close they both turned around to face me with big grins to the women around them disappointment. I received glares from every direction. What these bitches dont realise is, I couldnt give a fuck what they think. Their little glares dont affect me in the slightest. I give my two wolves a big smile, as Liam pulls me towards him giving me a hug while kissing my forehead, when he lets go Jake wraps his arms around me and squeezes.

"Hey beautiful, you made it, I was beginning to think you weren't going to come" Liam said.

"As if and not see my two favourite men, that will never happen" I said laughing.

These two men are my everything, they are the only ones I have let in, they looked after me even when I tried to push them away. I was determined to stand on my own feet and prove I can look after myself, that I didn't need anyone. But after weeks of constantly been by my side regardless of what I did, I told them what I am, the shameful Dark Angel, but that didn't faze them. They still wanted to be around me and protect me, they didn't look at me with disguist, they looked at my wings with awe, not once ounce of fear. Since then they have become my family, my true one. I am the little sister they never had and their my brothers I always wanted. Liam and Jake haven't found their mates yet, hence all the girls flocking around them hoping one of them is theirs. I can't blame them, there two of the sweetest guys I have ever met, yeah they like the attention and to flirt, but once they find their mates I know all that will stop. They have waited long

enough to find them. Their twenty and twenty one, were most werewolves find their mates on their eighteenth birthday. It could just be that their mates are younger and haven't turned eighteen yet. I have noticed their attention is alway going to two girls in the pack, one will be eighteen next week and the other a week after that. I'm hoping its them, they are sweet but shy girls who don't throw themselves at other men. Unlike the bitch that is making her way over towards us. I can hear both Liam and Jake groan at the sight of her, she is a nasty mouthed slut.

"Oh look who we have here, the boys little pet" she sneers looking me up and down.

"ah look what we have here boys, the pack slut, you should turn around and walk away, the boys never need your services, or haven't you figured that out yet" I said.

"Your just jealous because no one wants a nasty mixed breed like you, your own parents didn't even want you" she said with a smirk.

"wow, that would hurt if I had a heart, but this nasty mixed breed would have no problem showing you what I'm capable of, just say the word" I said getting in her face, she has said all that more times than I care to remember, she has never gotten the reaction she wanted, so I dont know why she bothers, she doesn't even know what I am, just that I'm not a pure vampire.

I watched her try to save face, she knew I meant what I said, I dont make empty threats.

"Whatever bitch, as if I would lower myself to fight dirt like you" she said with a smirk, but fear was rolling off her in waves.

"So were sticking to the usual, you turn around and walk away with your tail between your legs, one of these days you won't be walking away" I said with my eyes fixed on her.

I dont know why she bothers, all of us can smell her fear, so she isn't exactly making herself look good. But then again she never makes herself look good, sleeping with that many wolves and humans has given

everyone a good idea of what she is, her mate when she finds him is going to find it hard to deal with all the men that has had her before him. She hasn't got anything to offer him.       

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