Your judgement

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Chapter 28

I shook all worries from my mind, I'm belong with Brax and he belongs with me, all I can say is god help any bitch that tries to take him from me because I will personally send them here.

"Are you ready princess, we have souls waiting for their judgement" Lucifer said.

"Yeah I am" I said, I will need the distraction.

"Good, their are four souls I have kept especially for you" he said with a smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, you are not nearly as attractive as you think you are" I said with a glare.

"Feisty, I like it" he said, as he once again let his eyes roam my body.

"Eyes up here" I said pointing at my face.

"I know, how about we take our places on the thrones" he said as he waved his hand towards them.

"Really, the thrones, you really have some high opinion me yourself" I said shaking my head.

"With good reason, you are the only one that hasn't fallen to their knees and begged me to take you yet, but you will come around, you can't deny your body for long" he said.

"I'm not denying my body from anything, the only one I will ever beg to take me will be Brax" I said walking toward my throne.

"I can be him if that's what it takes to have you, just say the word" he said seriously.

"It won't make a difference because my body and soul won't react to your touch like it does to his" I said as he sat in the throne beside me.

"Give it a year and you will be begging me princess, but right now you have souls to judge, all you have to do is really look at the soul, your instincts will take over and tell you where they belong" he said.

"Okay" I said as I put the hood of my clock up, if there ones he kept for me, then I want them to know who I am after I judge them.

I watched as two demons walked in at either side of the soul, I sat up straight when I saw who it was and smiled. This is the moment I have waited for, the commander at my mercy. I did what Lucifer said and really looked at him, til I saw images of every bad thing he has done since he was born. It was crystal clear where he is destined for, but I'm going to make sure he spends eternity, reliving the worst moment of his life til he loses his mind.

"Your judgement is hell, every second you spend here you will relive over and over the worst pain you have ever felt as if it is just happening, I want you to suffer the same way you have made others suffer" I said standing up as I walked towards him.

"Your judgement is wrong, I haven't done anything wrong" he said fear evident in his voice.

"My judgement is not wrong, dont dare question me, you are in no position grandfather" I spat, his face is priceless.

"You" he snarled.

I pulled my hood down and smirked,

"Careful how you speak to me, I'm not one of your followers to commands, your ass is mine" I said.

"You little bitch" he shouted.

"Your judgement is set" I said as power flowed through my body and out towards him, his soul started to rip apart, he screamed before his soul dispersed and disappeared.

"See your a natural, your first judgement and you had enough control to send his soul to his judgement, he will never find peace, even when he has broken, he will still feel pain" Lucifer said.

"Good, he has inflicted so much pain,  its about time he started to pay for it" I said, as I walked back to the throne.

I pulled my hood up and waited for the next soul to be brought in. I watched as my supposed beloved walked through the doors, escorted by more demons. I looked at him and watched as images flash through my mind. He is guilty of deceit and greed at any cost, even at the cost of others lives, even his beloved.

"Your judgement is hell, everything you have ever loved or cared about will be forever out of reach, alway at your fingertips but untouchable" I said, as I pulled down my hood and walked towards him.

"You are going to condemn me to hell, I am your beloved, you are suppose to love me and want to protect me" he said, with a confused look.

"You were suppose to feel that towards me, you were willing to kill me and mark another just so you could have power, your lucky I haven't condemn you to a worse faith" I said, as I felt the power flow through me again, I watched his soul disperse and disappear.

"So Brax isn't your beloved, that man was, but he chose another, how did he die?" Lucifer asked with a smirk.

"Brax is my other half, we have a stronger bond, yes Marcus marked another but I never felt anything for him and to how he died, he made the mistake of trying to kill Brax" I said as I walked back to the throne.

"Interesting, you really are something special, I have never heard of anyone completely fighting the bond mates have, there is always hidden feeling no matter how hard you try to bury them" he said.

"The bond was never there to start with, I knew he was my beloved but I felt nothing, I felt more towards Brax from the minute I saw him" I said.

"So if Brax wasnt around would you have pursued your beloved and fought for him?" he asked.

"No, I wouldn't waste my time on an asshole like that, beloved or not, I would never want him, Brax is the only person I have let get close to me in years, Marcus wouldn't have gotten past my front door" I said.

"Okay, the next soul is waiting" he said.

I watched as the demons walked in with my father. My heart skipped a beat. I killed the man I use to call daddy, but then again he showed them days are long gone when he tried to kill me first. How is he going to react seeing the daughter he wished was never born, the daughter that killed him and is now about to judge him .

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