The Trade

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Chapter 26

I stood face to face with the rawest form of evil ever born, but he wore the face of a god, his eyes fro the darkest shade of blue I have ever seen, he has strong masculine bone structure, full lips and jet black hair, he is at least six ft six inches with a body made me pure muscle in all the right places. Perfect white teeth to go with the perfect smile. He wore a black shirt and black jeans tucked into his boots. He left a few buttons opened at the top and bottom of his shirt. How the hell can he look like an angel but he has such a black aura. He screams pure danger as I have to fight my instinct to run screaming. I have heard many times before of Lucifer seducing thousands of women but I could never understand how they would fall prey to him, til now. I dont think any woman has ever refused him, I looked around and found every female soul down here literally swoon at the sight of him, Rose included.

"I'm glad you know who you are talking to, do you like what you see?" he asked with a smirk.

"I've seen better" I replied truthfully, he might be all that to anyone else but my all that is Brax and Lucifer doesn't compare.

His smirk dropped as he felt the truth in my words, I saw determination flash in his eyes, before his smirk once again appeared. If that smirk means what I think it means, I think I have just made myself his next conquest.

"Really? and who would you have seen better than me?" he asked moving closer to me, I stood my ground as I look at him with a bored expression. I'm not feeding into his game by naming Brax, this man is the devil, so that makes him more dangerous that anyone I have ever come up against.

"I haven't come for the small talk, I have come for a reason, a trade" I said.

"Oh and let me guess, you have come for the girl behind you?, what makes you think I will accept a trade" he asked as his eyes shamelessly roamed my body.

"Yes for her soul, I know I can have one trade if I give you a soul in return, you know she isn't destined for hell after your judgement, the soul I carry on the other hand is" I said.

"Shall we take this inside, I dont want a riot to break out as everyone fights to be the one soul you save" he said.

"Okay, but Rose stays with me" I said. I watched him think it over.

"I will accept that, follow me" he said, as he turned and made his way inside the castle.

I looked at Rose with a smile trying to reassure her, I took her hand in mine and followed him. But I couldn't help but get a sickening feeling that this trade isn't exactly going to happen so easily. I buried that feeling of dread deep inside me. The castle on the inside is not what I was expecting. After seen the path I followed to get here. But the inside is beautiful, each hall has huge beautiful crystal Chandler's hanging from high ceilings, that sparked with lit candles. This place was beyond any extravagance I have ever seen, marble floor fillied each hallway with antique furniture. The wall colour are mostly neutral with a few bold colours, mostly they were  rich reds and Silvers. I stayed following him with Rose close to me as I followed him through what felt like a maze til we reached a large open room. Two throne's sat at the far wall higher off the ground with steps leading up to the thrones. Someones ego is massive, who has thrones made to sit on just to feel superior to the souls that come before him. Large vase were spread out around the room with deep red, white and black roses sitting in them. A demon at either sides of the throne, they bowed and stood up straight, watching me for any signs to see if I am a danger to their master. I watched as he strode with a cocky attitude towards his throne and sat down, staring at us.

"So you wish to trade a soul for your friend. You might be allowed the virtue of trading a soul for another once, but that does not mean it is with out consequences Ariel, I did hear you say you will do what ever it takes to get her back, if I'm not mistaken" he said with a smile on his face. Fuck, why of all the times he would have to appear is when I told Rose that. He has me right where he wants me. No point in lying now.

"Yes, you heard correct, but I also have the soul I took to trade" I said keeping eyes contact, I dont want to show him any fear whatsoever.

"But what if I want more for her soul than just another soul alone, her soul is pure Ariel, if she leaves here you will never get to see her again once she moves to where she is destined, they won't be willing to trade her soul for another, I am your only chance" he said. Rose squeeze my hand as fear gripped her body, she doesn't want to move on yet, not when she has a chance of finding a life with her mate.

"And what are you suggesting?" I asked.

"It simple really, you are the Angel of Judgement and souls, your place has always been here, you are suppose to take your place here, beside me, but unfortunately they had other plans for you, so your choice is simple, I can't keep you here forever, but I can keep you for a decade or until you have judged an agreed number of souls, dont be so quick to reject my offer, its the soul you carry and you to trade for her soul" he said grinning.

That sneaky bastard, he knows I can't leave her soul to move on, but to stay in hell with him, that thought alone is terrifying, but to be unable to see Brax is so heartbreaking, I feel like my heart has just been crushed and my oxygen taken from my body making it difficult to breath. How do you make that choice, her mate or mine. But Jake will never see her again if I refuse but Brax and I will see each other again eventually. Its not for forever, its just for the now.

"I have one condition, first" I said.

"And that is?" he asked sitting up straighter as the smile on his face grew.

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