I want the truth or will I pull it from you !

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Chapter 32

Its been five years working beside Lucifer. I have thought of nothing but been back in Brax's arms. That is the only thing that has kept me going and knowing Jake and Rose are together. That makes it worth it. But I have been feeling changes in Brax, his loss and love for me is all I felt for a long time, knowing he still loves me and misses me. But something has changed I can feel his new feelings for someone else. There not as strong for her as they are for me but there still there and growing. The feeling of betrayal is starting to seep in but I refuse to acknowledged it, I dont want Lucifer to know what he said when I left with him was coming true. So I stayed quite, showing no emotions and prayed Brax would pull back from whoever she is, that his love for me is strong enough for him to wait for me.

                                                    I prayed Lucifer would slip up so I could leave and get rid of the bitch that is trying to take my mate from me, but it hasn't happened yet. What I expected him to be like couldnt be further from the truth. For all his cocky talk he hasn't made a move to touch or seduce me. Believe me I have tried to wear as little as possible to push him to breaking point, but once that lust shows he fights himself and makes himself leave the room. His personality is what I am completely shocked over. He is caring and considerate. I have become good friends with the demons down here, they aren't forced to work here out of fear, they want to work for him. He is close to all of them and I have seen them all together laughing and joking. There has to be a catch somewhere, he is Lucifer for fuck sake.

                                   I sat on the throne beside Lucifer and waited for the next soul to come. I looked into this man's soul and found he has lead a good life, done everything he could to help others. I love judging souls like this and sending them to heaven. I gave my judgement and Smiled as I watched a family members come for him. But that smile was soon wiped off my face when I felt the stab in my heart. My heart thumped faster than I thought possible. He done it, Brax kissed another. I tried not to think about it, it must have been a brief kiss, the pain didn't last long, it could have been someone else kissed him and he pulled away, I reasoned in my head. I can't jump to conclusions, I will only drive myself mad down here. I will give him the benefit of a doubt. It could be a once off. I shook the lingering feeling of betrayal from my mind and body. I have a job to do.

     I know Lucifer saw that moment, he looked at me with concerns. I smiled reassuring him that I am fine, I dont want him to know what happened. I continued judging souls as if nothing happened.

"I think were done for today Ariel, you look like you need a rest" Lucifer said.

"Yeah I am a little tired, we have put in nearly ten hours, you should rest up too" I said, getting up giving him a smile as I walk to my room.

That's when I felt it again, this times the pain is worse, so much so I fall to my knees. This isn't from a brief kiss, he is sleeping with someone. It must be her, his feeling have grown for her, the kiss and now this. What destroyed me is I could feel his pleasure and happiness, there is no guilt or regret. When it ended I could feel his love for her. I stayed on my knees completely numb, for hours. Reliving over and over in my head his feelings for her, those feeling were suppose to be only for me, I'm his fucking other half, I gave up ten years of my life to bring rose back for him because he loves her like a sister and this is how he repays me. Its only been one fucking year for him, one year is all it took for him to move on, I'm here five painful years away from him, all I have thought about was him, nothing but been back in his arms as he made love to me. That's when I snapped. Raw fury and rage course through me like wildfire as his betrayal is my only thought.

                                                My breathing is hard as all that pain kicked in, I'm no longer numb, I could feel my eyes change colour as I balled my hands into fists and stood up. My power is rippling over my skin, begging to be released, to destroy something when I can't destroy him or her. I want to scream out my  frustration, hurt, fury and betrayal and that's exactly what I did. I screamed as my power released, my energy and flames destroying everything around me, as anything that could move when smashing in to the walls and broke in pieces.  But this isn't enough, nothing will ever be enough to get rid of this pain. I wrecked the rest of the room, my powers are stronger when Im pissed, I let all my built up energy I have been afraid to release go. I heard the glass in the windows explodes, I watched the walls around me crumble at the impact. I can still feel his feeling and right now their making me sick, I let him in, I trusted him with my heart and he broke and destroyed it and that's exactly what I will do to him. I want this bond gone, I dont want to feel anything anymore, I have always put my family and him before myself, not anymore. I visualized our bond and broke it, I screamed from the pain and dropped to the floor again. But that pain was worth it, I couldnt feel him anymore, were done.

                                          Lucifer and some of the demons came running into my room, I could read their thoughts, they thought someone was attacking me. Their faces showed everything as they looked at me and then the room. The demons stepped back and gave me a small smiles, letting me know they are there for me. Lucifer walked towards me cautiously and dropped to his knees. He looked at me and placed his hand on my face to wipe the tear away I didn't know had fallen.

"Ariel what happened?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"You were right, he forgot about me, he betrayed me" I said in a whisper.

"Ariel, I didn't think he would, I was just been a smart ass" Lucifer said.

"Smart ass or not he still betrayed me, I felt his feeling grow for someone but I put it to the back of my mind, I felt him kiss someone but I thought someone might have tried to kiss him and he pulled back because it didn't last long, but to feel his pleasure when they slept together and his love for her, that did it, I snapped and broke our bond, I'm sorry about your room" I said.

"The room can be fixed, I more concerned about you, you love for him grew over the five years, its only been one year to him" he said.

"I guess Im that forgettable" I said.

"You are far from forgettable Ariel, you a beautiful, strong, fiery and a fighter above all, dont let this destroy you Ariel, you are worth more than that, what do you want to do about it" he asked.

"I want him to see me, see what he has lost and will never have again, I want to make that bitch and him pay, but most of all, I dont think I can live up there anymore" I said looking at Lucifer.

"You always have a place here Ariel, this is every bit as much of your world as it is mine, you are still under the agreement, but if you want to teach him and her a lesson you are free to go to the surface but you must return" he said.

"Thank you" I said, as I surprised him by hugging him, it took a few seconds to hug back but when he did, he wrapped me tight in his arms and buried his face in my hair.

"Your welcome, but make sure you give him hell and show him what he has lost, use one of them outfits you wear to tease me, because they will definitely work" he said smiling.

"They didn't work on you" I said laughing

"Trust me they did, why do you think I left the room every time you wore one, I want you badly but I want you here more" he said, all the mischief and cocky side gone from his eyes and in replace was something I didn't expect, love and adoration.

"Okay, I will pick the best one, thank you Lucifer, I will be back soon" I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Your welcome I will have another room set up for you when you get back, Ariel give him hell, you deserve better than this" he said, I smiled and thought of the sexiest outfit, like Lucifer, down here I can think of clothes and they appear on me.

I thought of silk shorts, a tight fitted tank top that shows my assets tucked into the shorts, black tights that look like suspenders at the top, black ankle bonus with 5 inch heels and a black silk jacket with a hood. I left my hair down, I have dark blue eyeshadow swept across my top eyelid and my bottom lid joining in a curve at the corner, mascara for my eyelashes and red lip gloss.

I will find out exactly what the fuck happened even if I have to tears Brax's mind apart to find the truth and that bitch just brought hell to her door step.

I let my wings wrap around me and thought of Liam and Jake, there my first destination. I let my wings fold back and found myself standing in front of a shocked Liam, Jake and Rose. I knew by their faces they know something about all of this.

"So which one of you are going to explain to me what has been happening or am I going to have to pull it from your mind" I said coldly with my eyes fixed on them.

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