Looking into souls to find the true you

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Chapter 30

I am frozen in place. My eyes firmly fixed on the man in front of me, the first two souls were easy, the commander deserved his punishment and Marcus soul spoke for itself. But how do I judge him, he was my world for fifteen years, the man I wanted to be like, be every bit the guardian he was. But then again that man is long gone, he betrayed me, threw me out into a world I wasnt prepared for, a world I didn't fit into but he didn't care, he didn't try find me or changed his mind. Them thoughts are enough to bring me back to what I'm suppose to do. I looked at him soul and saw images flash, the first ones were of me and on mom, then they changed dramatically, so much so I wish they would stop. The feeling of betrayal turned to rage. He wasnt lured in by the commander like most, he was apart of all of this. He told the commander to get rid of me, he helped plan how the commander was going to kill Brax's mother and then I saw him talking to the commander, telling him use Marcus to make me fall in love with him and then kill me. This man standing in front of me is every bit the monster the commander was, maybe more so. The only person he loved other than himself is my mother, he never loved me.

"Your judgement is hell, you are a disgrace to the guardians, you manipulated anyone who came into contact you, you are a worthless being and you are fated to relive your death over and over again, feel the pain your suffered a thousand times worse" I said.

He didn't try to deny any of this like the commander or Marcus did, he just stood there with evil glint in his eyes.

"I could be of use to you Lucifer, I will do anything you need done" he said, this is a whole new side to him I have never seen before.

I looked at Lucifer and glared at him, I will make him suffer for the next ten years if he takes him up on his offer. Lucifer looked back at me with a smile.

"Your judgement has been decided, there are no bargaining, the angel of judgement has made her decision" he said with a smirk.

My father then turned his attention to me, ready to try get me to take him up on whatever offer he is about to offer. I stood up as the fury in me began to rise, I walked towards him and pulled back my hood.

"There is no bargain you can make that is going to save your soul, you are a monster, through and through, you think you should be saved, over other soul, you deserve the suffering that you will endure" I told him, I put every bit of rage inside me into my voice.

"You get to decide my judgement, you little bitch, I raised you, I gave you a good life and this is how you repay your father, was it not enough that you burned me alive you have to make me relive it over and over again, you really shouldn't have been born Ariel, such a let down, it was so easy to convince your mother that getting rid of you was the right thing to do" he said with disguist in his eyes.

"A let down, I am more fucking powerful than you and the commander put together, I was the one to end both of your pathetic lives and now I get to judge you and make sure you both suffer, you disguist me, such a weak deceitful man, you are nothing but dirt, the best thing you and your mate done for me was making me leave. So that is the only thing I will ever thank you for, but now you have an eternity of pain to get started" I said, I let the power flow though me again, I watched the monster in front scream and his body ripped apart and dispersed. I didn't feel anything for him, Im glad I done what I did.

So you killed your father, aswell as your beloved? definitely seeing a different side to you and I can say its making you all the more appealing" he said.

"He deserved it, it was my life or his and I have to many people I love to protect, to let him kill me" I said.

"You would make a great queen, Ariel" he said smiling as he looked at me.

"I'm not the one for you Lucifer and Im definitely not queen material" I said.

The next soul came in and brought a smile to my face, Heath. I watched as he walked in confidently with his head held high. I pulled my hood back and smiled towards him. He looked shocked and then worry spread across his face.

"Ariel, did we lose, did you die? " he asked.

"We won Heath, I didn't die but Rose did, I'm here for a decade in exchange for her life back, Brax is safe aswell" I said smiling as relief appeared on his face.

"Ariel I dont know how to thank you for saving Rose, she will get to find her mate someday and be happy thanks to you, a decade will only make Brax's love for you stronger, a decade here is only a few years to him" he said smiling.

"I forgot you came through the entrance, Rose found her mate, the beta of the pack, one of my brothers, she has the best mate you could ever wish for" I said smiling.

"I can enjoy my afterlife knowing my son is safe and loved like Rose" he said.

I looked into Heath's soul and watched each flash of images, I saw the unconditional love he has for his mate and for Brax. I saw how he pulled Brax back from losing himself, yes he has killed but only in self defense, his judgements is clear.

"Heath your judgement is to spend the rest of eternity with your other half in heaven, she is waiting for you" I said as her soul appeared and took form. She smiled at me and looked at Heath, I could feel tears build as I saw every ounce of love he has in his eyes for her, he stood still taking in every detail of her, she reached out her hand for his and he didn't hesitate to run to her. He placed his hands on her face and kissed her. When he pulled away he looked back at me, "Thank you Ariel, look after our son" he said before their soul vanished.

I couldnt take the smile off my face, Heath is finally with the woman he loves again and this time its for eternity. I will remember his judgement for the rest of my life and the memory of the moment he has waited for, I will share with Brax when I am back in his arms.

"You look happy with that judgement" Lucifer said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I am, he is a wonderful man and he deserves his judgement" I said.

"I know you have judged the four I kept for you already but I found another one I wanted to keep especially for you left" he said.

I nearly let a groan escape when I saw Alexis walk in.

"Really, you didn't have to keep that one for me, I would have rather not to have seen her" I said, as Lucifer laughs.

"Right, lets make this as quick as possible" I said.

I looked at her soul and watched the images flash through my mind. I saw her life before she met Marcus, how happy and truely in love she was and still is with her beloved, I watched how Marcus came with a solution to make sure she becomes queen, she accepted it because Marcus was similar to her true beloved, so much so she convinced herself he really was her beloved. I saw her fear at the thought of losing him to me, she couldnt cope with another loss. As much as she pissed me off her judgement is clear. I pulled back my hood and made eye contact with her. Her fear is evident now, she thinks I will just condemn her to hell with out a fair judgement.

"You judgement Alexis, is eternity with your true beloved in heaven. He is waiting for you" I said as his soul appeared and took shape.

I could see tears fall from her eyes, as a smile etched across her face, she looked back at me and smiled. Her beloved held his arms open for her as she ran to him, they wrapped their arms around each other as their souls vanished.

I condemned one to hell I didn't expect to and one to heaven, I guess you dont really know a person til you see into their soul.

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