Something I missed

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Chapter 36

I held Brax tight to me, I am finally free from Lucifer's hold. I dont have to spend the next five years dreaming of this moment. I inhaled his scent, this is my heaven. I dont know how long we stayed like this, I wasnt about to pull away anytime soon. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and then the door burst open, I looked towards the door to see Liam, Rebecca, Rose and Jake stumble through the doorway. I was ripped from Brax's hold and crushed by my two wolves.

"Are you back for good?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, you're all stuck with me now" I said smiling.

"Thank fuck, I hated knowing you were stuck down their with that pervert" Jake said. I couldnt help but laugh at that.

"He won't be a problem for a long time" I said smiling.

"You kicked his ass, didn't you?" Liam said proudly.

"I did, couldnt kill him but I left him weak as fuck, I'm sure his throne has been or will be taken off him soon" I said.

Out of know where, Rose literally jumped me, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back.

"Oh Ariel, I'm am so glad your home, I missed you so much, I hated knowing you were there because of me, we have all felt like we had a part missing in our family and now your back were complete again" she said.

"I missed you too Rose, all of you, I'm just glad to be home, five years is a long time" I said as Rose pulled away smiling.

"Oh we have got some news for all of you, I'm pregnant" Rose said excitedly.

I smiled, I forgot that part of the vision, I had only one thing in mind and that was to stop Anna and Lucifer.

"Congratulations, I'm going to be an aunty, you better get a move on too Liam and Rebecca, you can't let the beta be too much older than the Alpha, im expecting mini version of you both" I said, Rebecca started to blush and look away.

"Oh my god, your pregnant aswell aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah I am, by our dates Rose will have her baby a month before me" she said smiling as she looked at a beaming Rose, werewolves pregnancy only lasts three months, the same as demons.

"Ah your all grown up boys and I missed it" I said fake pouting.

"Five years is nothing, your stuck with us for the rest of our lives and two little terrors if their anything like Jake and me when we were pups" Liam said laughing.

"Ah shit, were fucked" Jake said as Rose playfully slapped him.

I spent the rest of the day catching up with them all, hearing all their stories about what they have been up to, how the alliance between the guardians, demons and vampires is going. Everything seems to be on the right track, the five years in hell was worth it, for all of us been able to sit here, happy and healthy and all starting their own families. This is the start of a better life, one where fighting for survival isn't a daily routine.

20 years later

Brax and I watched our daughter Faith training, she is nearly eighteen now,  I watched her take on Seb and Alex, at the same time, Seb is Liam's son, the alpha of their pack and is turning twenty in three months, Alex is Jake's son, the Beta and is turning twenty in two months. They are both strong fighter and think of Faith as their little sister who they have to protect. They all love each other, like with Jake, Liam and me. But Seb and Alex dont need to protect her, she is stronger than both of them combined, which she has proven time and time again over the last year. She is incredibly strong and a skilled fighter, she is already stronger than me and Brax. She has been training to fight since she could walk. Once she saw the wolves, guardian, vampire and demons training, she would refuse to leave til she was allowed to train with them. Now, she is the strongest fighter here, she is unstoppable with her strength and with her powers she is a force to be reckoned with. She has most of mine and Brax's powers, but a few of her own that are unique to her alone. She is incredible, beautiful and dangerous all mixed together, like me, she doesn't shy away from a fight, she stands her ground and makes that person regret ever pissing her off. She is the ultimate hybrid, a mix of guardian, vampire and demon. She is stronger than any of us anticipated and we will need her.

I let one part of the vision escape my thoughts, the guardians that broke away from the alliance has grown larger and stronger, they are all still determined to kill every last demon and me, I'm still seen as evil, the leader of this growing army is my dearest mother, she didn't take my rejection of her apology to well, with the death of her mate at my hands, she has lost her mind, she is now intent on killing me once again and everyone I love, but the biggest change is who stands beside her, manipulation her and the others to think, he has changed, that his goal is the same as theirs, he is the one that is truely evil, its non other than Lucifer. Their goal is to rid the world of demons and me, his true goal is to claim his soul back and then his throne, but what he hasn't realised, is their is one person strong enough to kill him and claim his throne, the ultimate hybrid, my daughter, Faith....... This will be a war where two of the strongest people to walk this world will clash and only one will survive and claim the throne, one to rule fairly or one to destroy us all.

Thank you all so much for following my story, I have loved all your comments and votes. Dark Angel has come to an end, but there is a sequel, its going to be called  Hell's Angel, im hoping to have the first chapter up by the weekend, im finished college til Jan so I can catch up on all my books and get started on this one. I hope you will all follow Hell's Angel, like you have done with Dark Angel. Thank you all so much again.

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