Fight to be free

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Chapter 35

I stood in my room, trying to keep myself calm. When all I want to do is search hell for that bitch and tear her apart. But I have to play this the right way and wait for the right time. It shouldn't be long now, time moves quicker up there. I walked towards my shower and jumped in, scrubbing myself. I got out and dried myself off. I thought of a black tight mini dress, and black five inch ankle peep toe boots. I let my hair fall down my back in loose waves and gave my thin sweep of black eyeshadow on my eyelid and a thin line under my eyes. I want this bitch to see she doesn't compare to me. I put on my black cloak. Just as I looked in the mirror, I heard Brax call me through our bond. Time to teach this bitch and Lucifer a lesson. I thought of Brax and appeared behind her as she threw herself at Brax as he tried pushing her off.

                          I walked up behind her and grabbed her hair at the back of her head and pulled her to her feet, as she struggled to get free.

"You picked the wrong bitch to fuck with" I said, as I pulled her head close to mine.

"Let me go, who the fuck do you think you are?" she said as she couldnt see who had her.

I threw her to the floor as Brax stood up and kissed me. I turned back to look at the thing on the floor and pulled my hood back. I walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her.

"Let start with who the fuck I am, you already know but its obvious you need your memory refreshed, I'm his mate you stupid bitch, I'm a warrior and angel of judgement and soul, you think you and Lucifer can trick me and get away with it, I know what you two are planning to do, know one touches my mate and lives" I said.

"You think you can stop him, when he wants something he gets it and he wants you, but you have one more problem, I want Brax and like Lucifer, I always get what I want too" she said with a devious smile.

"Really, good thing I'm here because I dont share, you are coming with me, I'm going to show Lucifer what happens when you fuck with me, know one and I mean no one fucks with the people I love" I said, once again grabbing her by the hair, pulling her to her feet as I stood up.

"You haven't got it in you to do anything, your not strong enough" she spat.

"Brax, I will see you soon, just need to take this dog back to its master" I said.

"That's where you wrong bitch, he won't get to see you again, but dont worry I will take good care of him and show him what a real woman is" she said with a smirk.

"We will see about that" I said, as I thought of Lucifer.

I faced Lucifer a shocked looking Lucifer as he took in who I held onto.

"You think you can trick me, you broke our agreement so I'm free of you now, I thought you would have more sense, you know I kill for the ones I love and yet you still try to test me" I said.

"Ariel, I am only proving to you that your mate isn't good enough, he was already starting to fall for Anna, you deserve so much more than him, I can give you more than him, I can make you my queen, you will have more power than you ever thought possible" he said smiling.

"No you only proved that you can never be trusted, you can't even hold up your end of our agreement, you sent this bitch to do your dirty work, you know demons lose themselves when there away from their mates for too long and you used that to your advantage" I said pissed.

"Calm down Ariel, you dont want to do anything you will regret" he said.

"What, you mean something like this" I said as I put my hands on either side of Anna's head and used all my strength and broke her neck before I ripped her head off and threw it at Lucifer.

"Now I get to judge the bitch and make sure her eternity in hell is unbearable" I said, never breaking eye contact.

Her soul appeared before us, I didn't need to look into her soul, I knew where I was sending her.

"Your judgement is hell, where every second of every day you will be excruciating pain, every breath you take, every movement will feel like you body is been torn apart slowly, bit by bit, you will never be free of pain, not even for a second, still think I'm weak bitch?" I said as I let my power flow through me, I watched her soul rip apart viciously before she dispersed.

                 I turned my attention to Lucifer, making sure he could see the fury in my eyes as rage poured out of me in waves.

"I might not be able to kill you, but I will make sure I leave you in pain" I said.

"Oh my little beauty, I find it adorable that you think you could cause me any sort of pain" he said as he moved towards me with lightning speed and wrapped his hand around my throat.

I look at him straight in the eyes, he has severely underestimate me, like all the others before him, they have never seen or felt my full power, what they saw was only a scratch in the surface. I put my hand over his and pried his fingers from my throat, as he looked at me with shock. I bent his wrist back using his fingers until I heard his bone snap.

"You seem to forget I was born to kill monsters like you and I was born the strongest of our kind, the angel of judgement and souls, is just an added a boost to my power" I said, as I let go of his broken wrist, I made a large ball of energy and my black light appear in my hand, I slammed it into his chest before his shock wore off.

He went soaring through the air and through his throne. This is going to be one hell of a fight. I could feel his anger and power radiate off him from here. He picked up his throne and threw it to the far side of the room, where it shattered against the wall.

"You think you can fight me and win, I thought you were smarter than this Ariel, but it looks like I will have to teach you a lesson the hard way and when I do, your mine" he sneered.

"I will never be yours" I said.

I sent another ball of energy towards him, but he dodged it this time. He ran towards me as he created his own ball of flames and threw it at me. I didn't move quick enough to avoid it completely, instead it hit my arm, burning me as it sent me flying backwards til I hit the wall. I could feel the blue in my eyes bleed to black, as fury burned through my veins fueling my power. He walked towards me confidently, thinking he has this won. I looked through his memories and found the one I wanted. His fall from heaven was the most excruciating pain he ever felt, so I used it, I projected his memory into his mind, making it feel like it was happening all over again, he dropped to his knees screaming as his mind made the pain feel real all over again. I can see him fighting the projection and I got to my feet as quickly as possible. I forced the image more into his head, the more he fought it the worst the effect it has on his body as blood started to pour from his nose. I walked towards him while he is still on his knees. I grabbed the back of his head and drove my knee into his face as hard as I could. At this point his face is a bloody mess.

                       He started to stand up slowly as I backed away, not from fear, I could feel him pull at the energy around us, it flowed towards him in waves, he smirked and unleashed the energy sending it towards me with such force I could barely breath as the energy knocked the wind out of me, lifting me off my feet, before I could even blink, I couldnt fight it or stop it, it is too strong. Then I felt it, I felt my body impact with the wall, instead of hitting it and falling to the floor, my body went through the thick layer of concrete and plaster. I felt pain slam into every part of my body, so strong I felt like every bone in my body has been crushed, I ended up half in and half outside with concrete under me. I gasped trying to get air into my lungs. I looked up just as the concrete above me starting to crumble, I tried to move but my body wouldn't work with me, all I managed to do is cover my face just as more concrete dropped down and completely covered me, leaving me in the dark.

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