Marcus and Brax

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Chapter 10

Marcus POV

I left her apartment after she successfully broke my jaw. She is a hard ass and Im getting no where with her. When I first saw her I knew straight away she is my beloved, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful and sexy she is. But I could see a dangerous edge to her that turned me on more. But when Alexis introduced her as the Dark Angel, my feeling immediately turned to disguist. Her name alone is well known, she was banished from our quatres the first day she stepped foot in there. What shocked the guardians was that she was marked from a young age as a warrior. It is extremely rare for someone to have that mark, the person that bares that mark are extremely powerful, even more so that she is half angel, half vampire.

              She showed both of us that on the night we met her, she took me down in a split second and Alexis too. She didn't even seemed bothered that Im her mate and that I marked Alexis. Alexis is a royal blooded vampire, when her true mate died she needed another to take the throne when its her time, I'm interested in power, not love and that set up suited me, Alexis wanted more from our arrangement. I was more than happy to agree, what man would turn down sex. After awhile we fell into the role as mates, well Alexis did, I just give her what she wants. When we take the throne that will all change. I dont want the dark angel as my mate, they say sex with your mate is mind blowing, I think I will have to test that out, she will be feeling the pull towards me now and my touch should be enough to spark lust inside her so I can test out the theory. Each time she sees me it will grow more. I was taken from that thought when I heard the commander shout my name,

"Marcus, why haven't you got that creature on our side, how hard is it to do what I ask" the commander shouted as he came into the room.

"I have tried twice already commander, she is demanding you come to ask her yourself" I said bowing my head.

"I will not lower myself to deal with that creature, find someway to get her on side, you won't look good if you can't get her on side, we will lose this war because of your incompetence to do a simple task, find something we can use to lure her, whatever it takes" he said.

"There is one thing I could use" I said.

"Well what is it, spit it out" he demanded.

"It turns out I am her beloved" I said embarrassed.

"Perfect, use that against her, do everything you can to make her fall in love with you, she will want to protect you, so she will fight beside you, when we win this war, you will take her from here and kill her, she won't expect that from her beloved. Then we will be finally rid of her, we won't have to deal with her again, can you do that or is it too hard of a job for you" the commander said with hardened look.

"Of course I can, I am the best man for the job, after all I am her beloved, I will kill her, I dont want her to stand in my way of getting the throne. So I will play her perfect beloved and lure her to us" I said.

"You better get her onside before the war starts, if we dont have her, were as good as dead, she is more powerful than she even realises, she doesn't know the full extent of her powers and either do we because she is half vampire" the commander said.

"I will make sure I do" I told him, it won't be hard to win her over.

Brax POV

From my position, I watched the Dark Angel kill the demons easily. She is beautiful and fierce, the perfect warrior. I have been following her for awhile, but keeping a safe distance. I have only seen her from a distance but she is stunning. I watched as the guardians looked at her with disguist and hatred even after she saved them. I hate the guardians with a fiery passion. They are not what everyone think they are, they are killers without regret, they are the ones with black hearts not us demons. They have made sure to turn the world against us, its not us brining the war to them, its them bringing it to us. Their afraid we will show them for what they are, at one point they had pure intentions, but the power they hold has gone to their heads. They aren't the good ones anymore, they are the ones training killers.

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