Cold, cruel soul

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Chapter 35

I could feel my power grow as my temper flared, I am pissed and full of rage. No way am I letting this bastard win. I tried what he did, I pulled energy from everywhere and anywhere, when I had enough, I let it explode from my body, lifting the concrete off me and shattering it into rubble. I jumped to my feet, feeling all my power come to the surface, I'm not dying today, not now. Lucifer had his back to me, he actually thought he had me beaten. In his fucking dreams, right now I'm going to make sure I'm the star of his nightmares.

                   I used my black light and energy and shaped it into a rope and sent it flying towards Lucifer, wrapping it around his neck and tightened it. I pulled on it sending flying back toward me, I moved forward and using the momentum, I grabbed the back of his head and slammed him face first into the ground,  cracks started to appear in the ground around him from the force I used. I felt a new surge of power rush through me, making my body feel rejuvenated and a hell of alot stronger. Lucifer peeled himself off the floor and got to his feet. Rage shone in his eyes. He swung trying to land a punch to my jaw, but I saw it coming, I ducked and drove my fist into his neck, knocking the breath out of him. I jumped up and delivered a round house kick to the side of his face. I didn't give him a change to recover, I drove my foot into his chest sending him flying back and landing on the floor hard.

                 My instincts kicked in and I raised my hand, instead of my black light and energy flowing out, the same flames Lucifer used on me, flowed from my hand and surrounded him as he tried to get up. He went to walk throught the flames but jumped back when his skin burned at contact with it. His face is priceless as shock appears before anger take overs. I walk towards him, smirking. I made the flames rise up around him, trapping him completely at every angle. I thought of the handle of my sword and it appeared in my hand. The blade formed not only with my black light, I could see my energy ripple through it  , my new flames surrounded it at the edges. It looks stunning but its feel more powerful now, stronger even.

                                 When I got to the edge of the flames, I stepped forward, the flames didn't feel hot and they didn't burn me, like Lucifer. I can't kill him, but I know what I can do to stop him for a long time. Even the devil has a soul, even if it is as black as night. I slammed my fist into his chest, breaking through skin and bone, I wrapped my hand around his soul and pulled it from his body. Just even the feel of it felt so cold and evil it sent a shiver down my spine, how did I ever let him fool me into thinking he wasnt like what other thought, but it took taking his soul to see the real dept of how cold and cruel this man really is.

                                               I watched as he fell to his knees. All his powers lie in his soul, so I just have to keep it away from him. The new flames wrapped around his soul in the shape of a box, making sure he can't be the one to open it. I pictured the box been sent to the archangel for safe keeping, I have never seen him before, I'm hoping my connection to him is enough. The box disappeared from my hand, I'm praying it went to him. I stepped towards Lucifer.

"To think you actually thought you could win, you might be alive and immortal, but your exposed now and weak without your soul, your soul is what holds your power, anyone can challenge you for your throne now, your not strong enough to win and I think I know a few demons to do exactly that" I said smiling.

"You will pay for this Ariel, maybe not today or tomorrow, but I will get my soul back and you and me, were going to fight til one of us dies or condemned to hell, no more games anymore, when I come for you, I coming to kill you" he said.

"Come for me Lucifer because even with your powers you didn't win this one, I will be ready and waiting for you, dont worry about that, have fun keeping you throne" I said with a smile.

I walked away from him and pictured Brax, he is pacing back and forth, til he senses me and turns around with a sigh of relief, before he wrapped his arms around me, crushing me in a hug.


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