Who I am

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Chapter 16

Each rooms is as beautiful as the last. Brax's home is nothing like I expected. I didn't want to admit it, but I had pictures pits of fire and caves. I dont know why but ever since I was a child I pictured the underworld like that, full of creepy demons and bottomless pits. I have to say I have never been so glad to be wrong. It is easy walking from room to room with just Brax, the real test will be leaving his home and meeting his father along with the other demons. But I need to be here regardless of what they think. If Brax has a way of finding out what powers I could have, it will make us one step ahead of the guardians and stronger than them aswell. I need to be in control of the power I have if I want to kill their commander before he kills me. Just because my parents are on his side, that doesn't change anything, I will still fight to destroy him, his death will be the start of a new future for all of us. His hold over the guardians and the council will be gone and we can start a fresh, bring the two sides together and fight as one against the real evil out that hides in our world.

                                              After Brax finished showing me every room in his home, it was time to face the inevitable. Brax is brining me to the last room to meet his father. My stomach started to feel sick as we got closer to his fathers study. I dont know how this is going to go, so I'm bracing myself for all and every reaction possible. I'm ready to defend myself if necessary.

"Dont be nervous, he has been dying to meet you" Brax said with a smile.

"I'm not nervous, it just been a long time since I have met anyone new,  that's all" I said hoping to convince him, he gave me a smile and shook his head.

"I can tell what your feeling through our bond Ariel, we can't hide our feeling from each other anymore" he laughed.

"Fine, I am nervous but can you blame me, if I was him, I would hate me, possibly even kill me" I said.

"He doesn't think like that Ariel, he knows best of all how persuasive the commander can be and how malicious he can be when he needs too" he said, staring into my eyes. I searched our bond and found everything he just said to be true, he feels no hate from his father towards me, that alone is good enough for me.

"Okay, lets do this" I said with a smile.

Brax took my hand once again as we walked toward a large door with beautiful carvings that are filled in with gold. Brax knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in" I heard a deep voice call out.

Brax pulled the handle down and pushed the door open with a creak. Brax lead the way with me following closely behind them.

"Hello son, I see you have brought a guest with you" his father said as I stepped out carefully from behind him, prepared from anything.

"Yes father, did is my other half Ariel or also known as the Dark Angel" Brax said proudly as he looked at me.

I looked towards where his father stood He looks like a slightly older version of Brax, except his father has jet black hair, the only difference between them. He is a little taller than Brax but they are the same build except Brax has more muscle and the whole bad boy thing going on.

"Hello Ariel, my name is Heath, it is a great pleasure to meet you finally, I now have a face to go with your name" he said smiling as he held his hand out for me to shake. I held out mine towards him, he put his hand in mine, giving me a strong shake.

"Its is lovely to meet you too" I said.

"I hope you been here means you are going to fight with us" he asked with a hopeful face.

"Yes I am, everything is clearer now, but I only ask one thing and that is I get to kill the commander, I know you will want to do that yourself, but I have my reasons too" I said.

"I think you will be the only one of us that will have the strength and power to kill him Ariel, I just hope I'm there to witness it" he said with a serious face.

"I will make sure of that, the other reason I am here is so we can try find out from the old books what were the previous warriors powers and if there was a dark angel before like me" I said.

"You have come to the right place Ariel, let me search through the shelves and see which books we have" he said, before he turned around and walked towards the large books shelves that took up the whole wall behind him from the floor to the roof, completely packed with new and old looking books. I watched as he stood infront of it and moved his eyes over the books, searching each title. He then stepped forward and took a couple of small books from the shelf and placed them on the tables, before he turned around and took a large black leather book and placed it down gently on the table. I could tell it was old but well kept. Both Brax and I moved forward, taking the seats in front of his large desk. He opened the large book and gently turned the pages as he looked at each page closely.

"Here it is, this chapter is about guardians born with the warriors mark, their strength and powers, there is not alot because the warrior marks are extremely rare Ariel, especially for half angels" he said.

"Any information is a start, the guardians never told me anything about been a warrior, they were suppose to explain everything the day I got my wings but as you know my wings turned out to be black, so I was turned away and told never to return, so I never found out what I am capable of" I explained.

"Let me guess it was the commander who told you to leave, instead of accepting you, your mark alone shows your destiny, the strength that is in you, he is extremely stupid to turn you away" he said.

"He doesn't seem to accept anything but normal, I'm too shameful to have around, he couldnt have others look at him with anything but respect and awe, all the guardian look at me with disguist, even tough I am powerful, he still didn't want me around to ruin his image" I said.

"You are anything but shameful Ariel, you should be proud of yourself, you are strong, you survived without them, you made a life of your own and you stand by what you believe in, you let yourself love a demon even tough your whole life you were raised to believe we were evil through and through, but you saw through that, you saw our humanity" he said with a smile

"But I have killed alot of demons before I saw that, I can't take it back but I can make sure we win this war, so the commander will no longer be an issue and I will make the guardians and supernatural know the truth" I said deadly serious.

"Your help is more than enough, you have killed demons but we have also killed Ariel, as much as I would like to justify all our actions I can't, more deaths will come before we can find level ground, peace between both sides won't happen over night but we are all willing to work hard for it

and put an end to all of this" he said.

"I hope so, now lets see what's in here" I said with a smile and looked at the book. He turned the book to face me, the first thing I saw on the page was my symbols sketched in black. This is the first time I will actually get to find out something about my warrior marks. I can't help but be excited as I started to read.

I finished reading and rereading it to make sure I have read and understood everything right. This all makes sense now. I know why my link to the archangel was never broken, what my role is meant to be and what my powers are and how to use them. I thought everything Brax told me about the guardian changed everything but this confirms everything and a hell of alot more. Brax's father handed me another book, I looked at him and he nodded and smiled, letting me know I need to read this too. I was still taken in everything from the first book and I was shocked to see the picture drawn on this book. It is a picture of black wings, the title wasnt what I expected, I thought it would be called dark angel because that's what the commander called me, I thought that was actually a read title not one he made up himself. I read the title and looked over my proper title. I am the Angel of Judgement and souls.

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