Face to Face with the devil himself

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Chapter 25

I turned and walked away from the ones I love and stopped in front of the commander. Instead of been scared of what's going to happen next he has a smirk on his fucking face. He has no idea that his life is about to end.

"That smirk will be gone in a few minutes, its time you pay for the lives you took for your own selfish reasons. You have know one left to fight for you, they have all seen the truth of what you have done" I said glaring at him.

"Dont be so stupid child, how could they possibly know what I have done, the only proof in stored away in my mind" he sneered.

"Not anymore, I'm not a Dark Angel, that title doesn't even exist, you thought you were so superior that you could name me, you should of looked up who I am and why I have black wings, but you were too blind by your own ego to even do that, I'm not only a warrior, I'm the angel of judgement and souls, I have made my judgement on your soul" I said.

"Know one can judge my soul til I die and I'm very much alive, that title means nothing, just a fantasy you made up to make yourself feel better, like thinking you have exposed me" he said.

"Oh but I have exposed you, shall I call on one of your guardians or vampires and see what they know?" I asked smirking.

"Do, just make yourself more of an embarrassment to your parents" he said.

"That will be hard when my father is dead, killed by my hands because you manipulated him so much into thinking I am the enemy, that he tried to kill me" I said.

I turned around and looked at the mass of vampire, guardians, demons and wolves. For the most, the guardians and vampires look shaken as the truth finally sunk in. I listened to their thoughts, none want to fight us anymore, they feel ashamed for the deaths they caused and their blind belief in a man who waged a war for revenge and who is capable of killing his own mate.

"I want a guardians or vampire to come to me and explain to the commander what you saw" I shouted and turned to face him.

I could hear murmuring before I heard footsteps getting closer. I turned around to face the person coming towards us, I was shocked to find it was my mother who approached us. I looked at her with a blank expression.

"We all saw you kill your mate because she chose a demon over you, you started this war for your own personal gain, you manipulated all of us to believe everything you said, you turned my mate and me against our own daughter to the point her father tried to kill her and she had to end his life" she said angerly, as tears spilled down her face. I looked back at the commander and saw realisation kicked in hard, he cant deny what they saw because it is his own memories that betrayed him.

"Ariel, Im so sorry, I should never have let him turn me and your father against you" my mother said with a hopeful expression.

"Your apology is about five years to late, I know longer consider you as a mother, no mother would treat their child the way you and my father did, black wings or not you should have accepted me for me because I'm your child, you were suppose to love me unconditionally, but you failed in that area and I found my own family who accepted me for me, they love me unconditionally, I would give my life to protect them or to ease their pain, that's what families do and that's what you failed to do" I said, shame filled her face.

I turned back to the commander, ending any ideas my mother has of replying to my words, I let my instincts take over, I walked towards the commander and placed my hand over his heart. I felt power course through my body and move out of my hand. I watched as a black tentricles left his body and began to enter my hand. After a few minutes his soul completely left his body. So his soul can never return, I sent my black flames from my hand engulfing his body, I stepped back as his body burned til nothing was left but ash. I closed my eyes  out of instinct again, I thought of the one place I never wanted to see, Hell. I opened my eyes as I felt my wings release and cocoon me, as my energy and flames started to move and circle around me. I closed my eyes again and when I opened my eyes, I was no longer standing in the field where the fight just happened. I am now standing at an entrance of hell, now this place is what I pictured the underworld to look like, dark with bottomless pits, caves and fire. This place is the place nightmares come from. I looked at the path in front of me, for the first time, fear started to seep in. I know I might not get to leave this place.

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