Wait for me

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Chapter 24

I found him. I turned my head and watched the entrance appear as the guardians and vampires surrounded it. Little did they know that they were actually the ones surrounded and that smug look is about to be wiped of their faces. I have Liam standing under me waiting for me to whistle so he can tell his pack to surround them through their mindlink. I can feel the adrealine start to fizzle through my veins, more than ready for what is coming. I put my fingers to my lips and whistled, the demons were at the surface. The guardians made no move to attack. They are so confident that they have this won. I watch as the commander makes his way to the front. That's my cue. I spread my wing and flew over to where the demons were stepping from the entrance. I landed beside Brax and made myself visible again, I left my wings out just to piss the commander off. When he saw me appear he looked at me with disguist.

"What are you not happy to see me grandad?" I said with a smirk knowing how much he hates to have any connection to me.

"I am not your grandad, you are a disgrace, a evil creature, but I will give you one last chance to someway redeem yourself, fight with us and join your beloved, you are sorely outnumbered, you might have thirty upper level demons but they are still know match against us" he said. A gasp went through the crowd when he said my beloved.

I walked to the front of upper level demons, a few inches from him, I looked the monstrosity in front of me and wonder how he could have ever fooled me as a child, I looked up to him, admired him and wanted nothing more than to make him proud, now I only see a manipulative bastard, who caused a war and killed innocent demons for what? what has he got to show for it, he has no other half, his follower only follow him out of fear and loyalty to the other guardians, he isn't loved, he is evil in his purest form.

"Tut tut tut, grandad, are you so blinded by your own by your own ego and pride that you haven't noticed you are the ones surrounded,  I would never join the same side as you, your a monster, I know what you are and what you have done" I said glaring at him.

"You know nothing you stupid child, you dont know anything about me, can't you see the shame your brining to your parents and beloved by standing with these creatures instead of us, you will be the one who loses" he sneered.

"I dont have parents, I am fighting with my family, take a look around, you will see were evenly matched" I said as he looked around, shock appeared on his face for a split second before he wiped it off.

"You think you can beat me, you and your pathetic army, they are not your family, your family is standing beside me, you ungrateful child" he spat.

"Ungrateful, really, I am grateful to my you's for one thing, disowning me was the best thing you have done for me, I know what family means now, you dont have to be blood to be family, my family is the ones surrounding you, as for my beloved, I'm glad you are with Alexis, I feel nothing for you, I have my mate, my other half" I said as Brax stood beside me and Heath at my other side.

I could see the change start in the commanders eyes as he looked from Heath to Brax and then to me. Raw fury oozed out of him as his eyes changed to deadly look.

"I won't allow this again" he roared. He looked behind him and back to us as all hell broke loose.

I can hear the the wolves shift and move towards us. I could see the commanders eyes fix on Brax and Heath, as he took out his sword charged towards them. Like fuck is he touching them. I ran toward him and used my energy to wrap around my body, I caught his off guard and slammed my fist into his chest with so much force and energy that it send him flying backwards into the other guardian and vampires, knocking them down like a bowling ball. I looked around to see where Brax and my boys are. Brax is fighting Marcus, I can't see the my boys, only hundred of fighting guardians, demons, wolves and vampires. It is surreal to look at, there is no way we are going to come out of this without any loses. I snapped out of it and made my way towards where the commander landed but Alexis blocked my path.

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