Chapter 21 A Blubbering Mess

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Inside the yelling was louder, but both voices were deep and husky, neathir were my mothers voice. Thank god!

Kale's hand latched onto mine, holding tightly. Was he scared? He was acting so strong and protective that it frightened me, but also made me feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

"Oh god! Athena is that you?" My mothers worried voice came into hearing, as she ran towards the entrance.

"Mom?" I greet in a more what's-going-on voice.

"Where the hell have you been? The least thing you could have done was text your worried mother, letting her know where her daughter is." She scolds me, before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." I mumble in the brase of her hug.

"Kale?" She pulls away from her embrace, greeting Kale with the best smile she could pull off; which wasn't that warming. My mom had dark circles under her eyes, and her whole body read "stressed".

  "Its nice to see you again Erica." Kale gives her a comforting smile, and hugs her.

  "As happy as I am to see you, I-I don't really think its the best time. Jacob-" She lifts her palm up to her forehead, massing it, as if to release the stress.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable leaving Athena here. No offense." Kale protested against my mothers wishes. He scrathed the back of his neck, only showing how awkward he felt going up against my mom.

  "No offense taken. And I completely understand how you feel. I'm not very comfortable being here eathir. But Jacob is Athena's dad. And even though he may seem aggressive, he really isn't." My mom assured him, understanding how he feels.

"First off he's not my dad. A dad is someone who's been there for you. Second off not aggresive? My ass! And lastly who else is here?" I stomp my foot down, taking charge. Or a least trying to.

"Whats going on over there Erica?" Jacob shouted, causing everyone to go silent.      

"Ah... A-Athena's home, dear." She replied.

Dear?! What, now that Jacob returned, she's all loveydovey with him? If he cared he wouldn't have left us in the first place. He probably came back because he's broke, and had charges pressed against him and he couldn't pay. So now he's back, acting like he cares, and then just like that, he'll leave again, taking off with our money.

   Loud footsteps began walking over to where we are. Each step made a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. I was scared, scared for Kale's sake, scared for life. Why did he have to return?

"Who are you?" Jacobs loud husky voice broke into the silence, pinning Kale like a tack on a billboard.

"K-(cough)-Kale. My names Kale Benjamin." Kale answered, clearing his throat.

  "Kale. Ha, that sounds like a shit name. You were named after food, wow! Loving parents much." Jacob harassed. Smirking, a horrible smirk.

"Yeah? Well, at least I have loving parents!" Kale raises his voice, talking back. Irritation swirled in his eyes. I have never seen this side of him before. He's not mad, he's pissed and angray, ready to through a punch at Jacob any seconds. I don't blame him.

  "Who are you to talk like that to me? Huh boy!?" Jacob raises his voice, giving him a stern look.

Shit! This is what I was afraid of.

"Calm down Jake, we have bigger problems to worry about." A familiar voice speaks, charging into Jacobs fight with Kale. If it were anyone bardging into Jacob's conversation, they would surely be dead. But who bardged in wasn't just anyone. It was Noah's father.

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